Band: Goatblood Title: Apparition of Doomsday Label: Dunkelheit Produktionen Release date: 27 December 2019 Country: Germany Format reviewed: Digital Promo...
Band: Death Wolf Title: IV: Come the Dark Label: Blooddawn Productions Release date: 10 December 2019 Country: Sweden Format reviewed:...
Hello there and welcome to our last Sunday article of the year. We decided to choose for you all some...
In this instalment of Tales From The Darkside, our esteemed UK reviewer Goth Mark focuses on the post punk, darkwave,...
Well... The last #BAZFriday of the year. This time I decided to do something different. Instead of giving you a...
Band: Officium Triste Title: Death of Gaia Label: Transcending Obscurity Records Release Date: 13 December 2019 Country: Netherlands Format reviewed:...
Band: Christmass Title: Vigil Label: Young Tobacco Records Release Date: 12 December 2019 Country: Russia Format Reviewed: Digital Stream So...