IN ROTATION: Our most played albums in January 2020


Well this year has been off to a gnarly start to say the least! Bleak weather and even bleaker headlines haven’t helped things out. I’ve been making the most of things, enjoying the cold with some new bands and sitting by the fire marking the calendar with wicked metal shows of days to come. I’ve been hooked on a few new bands lately like Goblinsmoker, Snorlax, and Hazzerd. There has also been a lot of time to listen to old favourites as I am still going through releases from last year. I think it’s time to sit back and relax with a few killer bands that I’ve had heavily in my rotation. Cheers and enjoy! Metal Yeti

Sylosis – Cycle of Suffering

Any metalhead who has heard of Sylosis is probably just as excited as me for the new album to drop. The band has been on hiatus since their last album Dormant Heart in 2015 with other band duties taking priority for the members. Out of seemingly nowhere, Sylosis are back and have released two new tracks of metal brilliance! It looks like they are keeping a lot of their old sound but they also have had a lot of time between albums to evolve. I’m interested to see what they have up their sleeves next!

Goblinsmoker – Toad King

The first thing that caught my eye about Goblinsmoker was the artwork. The epic fantasy style frog battles that have played out in my mind on my many listen of these guys are enough to put a smile on Tolkien’s face. The second thing that caught my eye was the glorious riffing they deliver on through the crunch. Goblinsmoker crank out wicked sludge doom metal of epic proportions and are well worth every bit of your time!

Snorlax – II

This is a new band that I started listening to only a few days ago. I was just minding my own business when a wild Snorlax appeared… Either way, I’ve been absolutely hooked by the deadly black metal riffs backed up by moments of pure death metal bliss. They are grim as hell with a lot of variety to tone and structure of the tunes. Check out Snorlax!

Iapetus – The Body Cosmic

This is another band I haven’t been able to get out of my head. Iapetus (not Lapetus) are a progrssive metal band that shook up the metalverse late last year with the release of their debut “The Body Cosmic”. They have extremely complex songs with amazing atmosphere and some striking instrumental work. Oh… and Dan Presland of Ne Obliviscaris plays drums for this one and god damn does he ever deliver the goods. This is a must listen in my opinion!

Between the Buried and Me – The Parallax II: Future Sequence

There are lots of bands that have made a big impression on me, but none have had as big of an impact as Between the Buried and Me. These guys are always in my rotation but I recently completed my BTBAM vinyl collection with a cool variant of The Parallax II: Future Sequence. These guys push the limits of technical brilliance and are full of amazing progresssive quirks as we find ourselves locked in hypersleep on a ship leaving earth. “I wonder if I’m alive?”. Something to think about as you enjoy these razor sharp cosmic jams. Jet propulsion disengage.
