IN ROTATION: Our most played albums in January 2020

This time I feel the need to wrote a few lines before mention my most played albums, I remember my beloved father saying “You need to listen to good music, of course, that you will found much shit. After that do your own recycling and enjoy music, because is one of the most beautiful things in the world.” Because of these words and many others, I like to listen to several music styles, but the metal still my favorite. So check my list and enjoy your Sunday.
Peter Gabriel – Secret World Live 1994
I remember listening to this with my father. Amazing musician.
Alien Force – Pain And Pleasure
Even if Heavy Metal is not so much my style. This album is really good. I don’t have the original pressing but I have the reissue. EhEh
Mutiilation – Black Millenium (Grimly Reborn)
This band sounds so good.
Silva Nigra – Bible bolestných nářků
Words about this album? Yes. Listen to this. It is very good.
Malevolent Creation – The Ten Commandments
I will just say one thing related to this album. CLASSIC.
Till next month
The Key Keeper