IN ROTATION: Our most played albums in December 2019

Well, new year, new challenges, new music on the horizon. But this time we are talking about the last month and the most played albums in the final days of 2019. So, enjoy our selection and don’t forget to check and listen to this great music
High Command – Beyond the Wall of Desolation
Thrash Metal / Crossover / Hardcore Punk band based in Massachusetts, delivers an amazing debut with some memorable pieces like “The Commander’s Code” and “Visions from the Blade” Also the self-titled “Beyond the Wall of Desolation” it is a great way to close a masterful production.
You shouldn’t spend much time without listening and supporting this excellent band.
Firtan – Okeanos
I don´t remember when I´ve listened to this album for the first time but I´m sure of one thing. I was impressed by this German band immediately. For lovers of pagan/black this album is a constant in my playlist. Majestic, atmospheric, raw and progressive for moments, full of sound layers to enjoy in every listen. Recommended 100%
The Crown – Eternal Death
I love this album, I love this band. The Crown has reached its goals in every album they´ve made. Quietly, in silence, they have learned from their own and others and they´ve overcome the obstacles in their way to a better sound and quality. Death / thrash with a brutal dose of ferocity. Originally released as “Crown of Thorns”, this record was re-issued by Century Media with the actual band name “The Crown”
Damn, this is a great album!
Mayhem – Daemon
No doubt about this album. This is one´s of the best releases from 2019. Listened several times, first on my music app and after on CD (my Argentine friend @ ME1RELE6 crossed the Río de la Plata and brought it to me as a gift), it was one of the best gifts I received last year. Mayhem is alive with this masterpiece.
Kreator- Endorama
Sincerely the negative reviews about this album do not affect me since if I did not know Kreator I can swear that this album, although rejected or unloved would make me appreciate this band in the same way that I appreciate it with all its brutal discography. Don’t throw it away … it’s a great album!