Band: Rogga Johansson Title: Entrance to the Otherwhere Label: Transcending Obscurity Records Release date: 19 July 2019 Country: Sweden Format...
Count Vlad
This Sunday I decided to take another perspective to our favourite music. The artwork of the records. Its importance in...
Band: Concilivm Title: The Veiled Enigma EP Country: Chile Label: Dawning Septic Productions Release date: 31 May 2019 Format reviewed:...
Band: Krigere Wolf Title: Eternal Holocaust EP Country: Italy Label: Independent/Lower Silesian Stronghold Release date: 1 April 2019 Format reviewed:...
Band: Hate Manifesto Title: Herald of Triumph EP Country: Greece Label: Helter Skelter Productions Release date: 24 June 2019 Format...
We sat in the bowels of hell with The Necrosexual himsef over a Franzia Chillable Red for a friendly chat...
Band: Necrosexual Title: The Gory Hole in F# Label: Independent Release Date: 17 May 2019 Country: USA Format Reviewed: High...
Band: NONE Title: Damp Chill of Life Label: Hypnotic Dirge Records Release Date: 12 April 2019 Country: USA Format reviewed:...
A week before the release of the long anticipated EP "Demoni", I sat down with the mastermind and the lost...
Light a candle before everything else. If you have incense, add it...Today Blessed Altar Zine proudly presents the KALMO's exclusive...