IN ROTATION: Our most played albums in October 2018

10 min read

And October ends… Another month in our lives. Another month listening to good music. October had plenty of good releases. Some we managed to cover here, some we simply couldn’t.

But our personal list is not just new albums – it’s also old stuff because we like them and we love all formats.

Just click on the images below in order to view directly BAZ members’ Top Fives, or just check every page. Enjoy our “In Rotation” article.

Click here to see Emil’s list
Click here to see The Key Keeper’s list
Click here to see Harald’s list
Click here to see Jordan’s list
Click here to see Count Vlad’s list
Click here to see EldritchofDeath’s list
Click here to see Mo’s list
Click here to see KMaN’s list

If you still haven’t checked our September most played lists, you can always do it here

Truly Yours,
The Blessed Altar Zine Team