Band: Goatblood Title: Apparition of Doomsday Label: Dunkelheit Produktionen Release date: 27 December 2019 Country: Germany Format reviewed: Digital Promo...
Black Death Metal
Band: Trench Warfare Title: Hatred Prayer Label: Transcending Obscurity Records Release date: 9 August 2019 Country: USA Format reviewed: Digital...
Band: Cult Of Extinction Album: Ritual in the Absolute Absence of Light Release Date: 19 July 2019 Country: Germany Label:...
Band: Aima Title: Tragos Label: Nuclear War Now! Productions Release date: 15 June 2019 Country: Greece Format reviewed: High-quality Digital...
Band: Hate Manifesto Title: Herald of Triumph EP Country: Greece Label: Helter Skelter Productions Release date: 24 June 2019 Format...
Band: Yawning Void Titled: Streams Within Label: Independent Release 31 January 2019 Country: Finland Format reviewed: FLAC I...
Band: Ævangelist Title: Matricide in The Temple of Omega Country: USA / Finland Label: I, Voidhanger Records Release date: 16.11.18...
Band: Invocation Title: The Mastery of the Unseen Label: Iron Bonehead Productions Release date: September 26th, 2018. Country: Chile Format...
Band: Jyotisavedānga Title: Thermogravimetry Warp Continuum Label: Larval Productions Release Date: 6 June 2018 Country: International Format reviewed: High Quality...
Paroxsihzem is a Black/Death band from Toronto, Canada who formed in 2007. Hellthrasher Productions is their current label but they...