IN ROTATION: Our most played albums in APRIL 2019

12 min read

The bands that I listen to more during the month of April? Maybe the following ones, to be honest, I do not know, but I think it was. Why a lot of oldies? Doesn’t mean new releases ain’t good, because I had the pleasure of listening to many but many good releases, but that time the only words around everything in the metal world, was… Metal and music. Nothing more, quite simple.


Necromantia – Scarlet Evil Witching Black

Every time I grab this CD I know that will be 47min of pure Hellenic Black Metal


Necromass – Mysteria Mystica Zofiriana

Tchhh… I remember the first time I grab this CD. And the cover… But this is good… At least for me.


Tiamat – Clouds

Holy macaroni… This album is already from 1992… I’m old… But this is one of the best Death doom albums ever made.



Samael – Blood Ritual

I don’t have the original edition. I got a copy several years after the original date. But why did I got it? Because it’s good.



Sentenced – Down

Even this album is more melodic comparing from what they had done… This still good.



Till next month 

The Key Keeper