IN ROTATION: Our most played albums in November 2018

16 min read

Another month is gone. Another wrinkle, grey hair. Another month of music. Actually November was a fantastic month for the metal music. We at Blessed Altar Zine continued to cover as much as possible underground releases and bringing the bands closer to you with our interviews. Besides our digging, we never forget the gems from the past which we spin continuously. And just because of this, we bring you In Rotation – our most played records for the month.

This will be the last edition of In Rotation feature to be published in 2018. The next one will be out in the first days of January 2019…

Just click on the images below in order to view directly BAZ members’ Top Fives, or just check every page. Enjoy our “In Rotation” article.

Click here to see Emil’s list
Click here to see The Key Keeper’s list
Click here to see Harald’s list
Click here to see Goth Mark’s list
Click here to see Count Vlad’s list
Click here to see Mo’s list
Click here to see KMaN’s list

If you still haven’t checked our October most played lists, you can always do it here

Truly Yours,
The Blessed Altar Zine Team