Band: Carriage Title: Visions Label: Stormspell Records Release Date: August 2, 2018 Country: United States Format Reviewed: CD SSR-DL-234 At...
Band: High On Fire Title: Electric Messiah Label: eOne Release Date: 5 October 2018 Country: USA Format reviewed: Digital Stream Being for...
Band: Windfaerer Title: Alma Country: USA Label: Avantgarde Music Release date: 14 September 18 Format reviewed: Digital Mp3 Windfaerer from...
Band: Petrification Title: Hollow of the Void Label: Sentient Ruin Laboratories Release Date: April 23, 2018 Country: United States Format...
I must admit I was impressed when I heard for the first time the debut EP of the young thrash...
Band: Coffinrot Title: Retribution Divine Country: USA Label: Independent Release date: 21 July 2018 Format reviewed: High Quality Digital Promo...
Band: Bring Out Your Dead Title: Bring Out Your Dead Label: Independent/self-released Release date: July 11, 2018 Country: USA Format...
Band: Radiant Knife Title: Science Fiction Label: independent/self-released Release date: August 8, 2018 Country: USA Format reviewed: mp3 (vbr) promo...
Band: Eagle Twin Title: The Thundering Heard (Songs of Hoof and Horn) Label: Southern Lord Records Release Date: 30 March...
Band: Haunt Title: Burst Into Flame Label: Shadow Kingdom Records Release Date: 10 August 2018 Country: USA Format Reviewed: High...