Band: Lumnos Title: Ancient Shadows of Saturn Label: Flowing Downward Release Date: 12 February 2018 Country: Brazil Format reviewed: Digital...
Band: Mesarthim Title: The Density Parameter Label: Independent Release Date: 3 April 2018 Country: Australia Format reviewed: FLAC According to...
Band: Strangle Wire Title: The Dark Triad Label: Grindscene Records Date: 23 March 2018 Country: Northern Ireland Format reviewed: CD-quality...
Band: Kosmogyr Title: Eviternity Label: Flowing Downward Release Date: 9 March 2018 Country: International: Czech Republic/China Format: FLAC Many years...
Band: Assumption Title: Absconditus Label: Everlasting Spew Records Release Date: 20 April 2018 Country: Italy Format reviewed: CD-quality digital Reddish...
Band: Conjurer Title: “Mire” Label: Holy Roar Records Release Date: 23 February 2018 Country: United Kingdom Format reviewed: Vinyl Conjurer...
Band: Altars Of Grief Album: Iris Label: Hypnotic Dirge Records Release Date: 21 March 2018 Country: Canada Format reviewed:...
Band: Veiled Title: Black Celestial Orbs Label: Iron Bonehead Productions Release Date: 16 March 2018 Country: USA For some years...
Band: Myrkraverk Title: Nær Døden Label: Blut & Eisen Productions Release Date: 13 March 2018 Country: Norway Myrkraverk was formed...
Band: Mortiferum Title: Altar of Decay Label: Blood Harvest Records Release: 23 March 2018 Country: USA Aah, nothing like the...