IN ROTATION: Our most played albums in February 2019

13 min read


Every month I try to keep a leg up on what’s happening in the metal word. With great releases from huge bands like Candlemass, Dream Theater, and Overkill on top of incredible debut releases from bands like Plaugebringer and Kaleikr, I’ve been left with a lot to digest. With the year ticking on, I’ve spent a lot of time scouting out my first set of live shows to attend this year. Starting things off with an unorthodox way, I caught a mini show on a Saturday afternoon with some new metalhead friends and beers with the dudes of Chainbreaker. Pretty good way to start off the year! My most frequented albums this month are a reflection of some of my favourite new releases as well as the bands I’ve been listening to in preparation for the live shows I’ve already bought tickets for.

CHAINBREAKER – Lethal Desire (2019)

CHAINBREAKER is a band that evokes a distinctly Canadian speed metal sound. With the songs off the album barely scratching the three minute mark, each song delivers an all out assault of thrashy guitars and drums with a distinct classic vocal style. Lethal Desire is full of fast and furious riffs that would make any old school Razor or Judas Priest fan turn their head. I was fortunate to catch these guys at short live show for their album release party at a local Toronto record store mid February,. The band handed out some free cold beer and then proceeded to blast several songs for the small group of crowded metalheads that amassed. I was even able to snag their signatures on a newly purchased LP to top off the experience. Crack a beer and crank some Lethal Desire from CHAINBREAKER!!

POUNDER – Uncivilized (2019)

Keeping things on an old school trend, Pounder are another band that feel like they belong in previous time. Another gem from Hells Headbangers Records, this first full length from Pounder is chock-full of speedy verses and catchy choruses. These guys are a great example of a modern classic heavy metal band, delivering powerful 80’s clean vocals that drive the songs forward with the quick modern riffage and breakneck drumming effectively sealing the deal. Check out Pounder for a uncivilized timewarp to a simpler time for metalheads.

PLAGUEBRINGER – Diabolos (2019)

Another incredible tech death band from Canada’s west coast emerges with Diabolos by PLAGUEBRINGER. Featuring a sinister combination of intricate melodic riffage and some ungodly fast drum work, this band was immediately able to carve a path to my metal heart. Feeling like a well polished doppelganger of Archspire, these guys manage to deliver brilliantly complex and fast songs with a unique vocal style that left me craving multiple listens. With the technical death metal ranks growing by the day, PLAGUEBRINGER are able to set themselves aside from the pack, leaving me on the edge of my seat for what’s next for the band.

MARSH DWELLER – Wanderer (2018)

One of the new bands I discovered this month is MARSH DWELLER from Pennsylvania. I gravitate towards any wetland related metal band to be honest, with alot of my professional work outside of metal revolving around wetland creation and restoration. MARSH DWELLER hit on a subliminal level for me, with its 17 minute long songs taking me on a journey through the marshes and bogs that haunt my subconscious. The powerful black metal influenced vocals paired with the thoughtfully executed moments of striking and swarming guitars in combination heavy atmospheres is everything I love about metal music. I will not doubt be returning to this band for the years to come.

INCANTATION – Profane Nexus (2017)

One of the shows I’m most excited for in the coming weeks is INCANTATION with Vale of Pnath and Nightmarer supporting Belphegor and Dark Funeral at a small local venue for the Devastation on the Nation tour. While any one of these bands could have drawn me out to the show, INCANTATION is one of those bands I can’t miss when they roll through town. Having recently picked up their latest release on vinyl, Profane Nexus has been getting a lot of attention lately. While the album received a bit of criticism from purests for incorporating a few slower doomy elements into a few of the songs, INCANTATION proves they are still death metal gods with songs like “The Horns of Gefrin”, “Lus Sepulcri”, “Omens to the Altar of Oynx” carrying the old school death torch strong. Here’s one of my favourite songs from the album, and one I’m sure to be feverently waiting for in the pit!



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