#Hellevaerder / #Duindwaler / #Schavot / #Asgrauw Verloren vertellingen

4 min read

Band: Hellevaerder / Duindwaler / Schavot / Asgrauw
Title: Verloren vertellingen
Label: Zwaertgevegt
Release date:  13 October 2023
Country: Netherlands
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Today, I have the pleasure of bringing you a 4-way split that came out last October 13th by the Dutch label Zwaertgevegt. This label that I have followed for many years and this one has mainly published bands from the same country.

This 4-way split is further proof that there is very good Black Metal in the Netherlands, contrary to what many people comment and say that it is not a country with quality Black Metal. Maybe you don’t know Dutch underground Black Metal well. Skipping this small detail, here are some bands that prove the opposite and are perhaps the best known and that many don’t even know are Dutch bands.

Whether they are a few years old or even more recent, they still exist or, unfortunately, they have already ended. I’m talking about, for example, Infinity, Sammath, Cirith Gorgor, Lugubre, Satanic Blood, Usthor, Viumago, Dodenstorm, Haatstrijd, Adversarius, Levendleed, Obskvvr, Sauron, Black Command, Zwartplaag, Smoke, Styxian Industries, Terdor, Grafhond, Kjeld, Pagan Heritage, Meslamtaea, Sagenland, Urfaust, Morte Noire, Striid, Vazal, Draugur, Hellebaard, Cultus, Dood, Countess, Bestial Summoning, Teitan, Nord, Heervader, Afvalige, Uuntar, Gheestenland, Salacious Gods, Volc Vermaledide, Mordaehoth, Fluisterwoud, Funeral Winds, and even the “strange” Domini Inferi (who I love) (I tried not to mention projects/bands parallel to those mentioned above, but…).

More names could be there because they could…
Each of the bands mentioned above, do Black Metal in their own way, some more traditional, some in the first wave, others in the second wave, some still exist, others unfortunately no longer, some with a more atmospheric Black Metal, others more Epic. , others more, how to say… “Unique” and very different from everything and everyone, others more Avantgarde, others without fear and mixing Industrial, some more Folk, others with a mix of Punk… As I said, each one has your way, but all of them, at least in my opinion, very good.

Therefore, when reviewing this 4 way split, it had to be almost like an “obligation” of mine to spread the name of a Black Metal that, at least in my opinion, has always been a little undervalued.

We then have Hellevaerder (already mentioned on BAZ) / Duindwaler / Schavot (already mentioned on BAZ (TWICE)) / Asgrauw (already mentioned on BAZ (TWICE)) and each of the bands presents two songs. Side A is filled by Hellevaerder and Duindwaler and side B by Schavot and Asgrauw.

Two bands and two one-man bands. Coincidentally or not, I don’t know why, but what I noticed is that on side A the drummer from Hellevaerder has Duindwaler and does everything, and on side B the drummer from Asgrauw has Schavot and does everything.

Now, talking about each of the bands.

Hellevaerder is the second oldest band in this split and presents a fast, rough but melodic Black Metal that manages to capture the listener and Black Metal fan with its tempo changes and riffs. There is some “Harmony” in the songs, especially in the second one. Two very good songs in my opinion and vocalist Miranda Visser with her “innocent” and angelic look, but also “twisted” has an excellent voice.

Duindwaler… Of the four bands present here, it is the band with fewer releases until the day of release of this split. But without a doubt, it is the fastest band of this split. With a lot of melody mixed with tremendous aggression. The band is not behind (here I’m going to talk about speed/melody) to bands like Infinity, Setherial, Dark Funeral, The Abyss, just to get an idea of what this band is like. Very good band.

Schavot, this band is the most melodious of the four bands present here and comes closest to symphonic Black Metal but without exaggeration and to Black Metal with some choirs. At the same time, probably is the band more “Technical” and with more details to pay attention to. However, the band does not lose the aggressiveness and the two albums already released are proof of that.

Asgrauw is the oldest band in this split and the most “raw” band in this split, I’m not referring to a dirty sound and “rotten” music, fast and with little Blast Beats that so characterize Raw Black Metal (not all of them are like that). No, that’s not what I’m trying to touch on. But the band is more “direct/raw”, but paced and less produced and with a “cleaner” sound. Very good.

All the bands present here are playing a different Black Metal, some similarities, whether in terms of speed, melody, etc., but at the same time they are all different.

I read, in the text that accompanies this promo and I quote “The Netherlands has a rich history, each village has its own folklore. This release is all about 8 stories. Events in the past interpreted by Dutch artists. By diving into history together, we want to bring you our lost tales.”

I would love to read the lyrics to these songs, but obviously in English because I don’t understand “Rien de rien” (I know that this is French), in Dutch.

I hope you look for this split and buy it to enrich your music collection. For me…

09/10 The Key Keeper 666






9/10 Epic Storm
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**