Schavot – Galgenbrok

3 min read

Band: Schavot
Title: Galgenbrok
Labels: War Productions & Void Wanderer Productions (CD) / Void Wanderer Productions & Rabauw (MC) / Rabauw (Vinyl – 2022)
Release date: 1 October 2021
Country: Netherlands
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Schavot is a new one-man project by multi-instrumentalist Floris Velthuis, who is also in Meslamtaea, Asgrauw, and Sagenland, so he is not new in the scene. As I’m totally unfamiliar with the above-mentioned bands (I know I should be, I just  need more time to reach everything!), I listened to this album with a totally open mind, without being conditioned at all.  Let’s see what this new project is about…

The first thing that has blown my mind is the high level of aggression contained in this album. Yes, it’s like a sonic firestorm exploding in your head! Don’t get fooled by the few calmed and ethereal seconds that are the intro for the first track, “Tussen Muren”; you soon will be caught into a brief passage of mid-paced drums along with matching guitar and bass lines, and then you’ll be thrown into the great black abyss. Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you…

Guitars are perfectly played, all through the entire album you can hear the familiar buzz that fills every second, every passage, every section… And there are great melodies to enjoy, as in “Galgenbult”, a song sounding as brutal as melodic can be a Black Metal song. This is a fine example. And the bass… I must highlight the sound of this instrument, as it not only provides very good accompanying bass lines but also gives more thickness to the songs. Perfect sound!

Besides the aggressive sound, there’s the high speed. Drums are always running fast, sometimes even faster (I swear!), so no chance to get bored while listening to “Galgenbrok”. I wonder how drums can be so hard and fast beaten without being destroyed! Or maybe they were, in the end… I really love this frantic pace, it only slows down a bit in a few passages, but in general, it’s so damn fast! 

Well, let’s talk about vocals… I must say they are harsh and devilish, fitting perfectly with the instrumentation. Sometimes bordering on the insane, just listen to “Jammerklacht” and feel it! Another element that helps to create a bit of an ethereal atmosphere is the use of some keyboards played in a soft way, engulfing the songs with an additional layer of gloomy and cold breath… like a subtle presence that steps up the overwhelming sound.

When the album comes to the end, “Rooftocht” slows down a bit the tempo and it’s an enjoyable final track for a journey that leaves you almost drowned in a sea of speed and harshness, it’s like a relief but at the same time you know these have been some of the best spent minutes of the day, just by listening to this album. For me, it’s a 9/10   Sílvia 



Void Wanderer Productions

War Productions


 9/10 Epic storm
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