IN ROTATION 666: Our most played albums in H1 2019

11 min read


I decided to include here only new releases from the current year. The old ones, all the bands, and albums  I adore – I just can’t count how much time I have spun them…They are on my turntable or player constantly.

I listened to a lot of music in these 6 months. Really. And still, it wasn’t enough, having in mind the constant piling of new stuff. In my regular “In Rotation” publications I’ve already stated that the album of the first half of 2019 is definitely IDLE HANDS’s “Mana”. There were really fantastic records coming out lately and 2019 shapes as another great year for the extreme music. It will difficult with all those lists in December. 

I offer you here six albums which probably were my most rotated in the first half of 2019. 

IDLE HANDS – “Mana” (2019)

I’ve already stated it. This album is my album of the first half of 2019. It makes me feel so good, powers me with energy, makes me feel the music. It was the missing link to bring me back into the times when music was about fantasizing…


HELLRIPPER – Black Arts & Alchemy EP

Whatever HELLRIPPER delivers, it turns into UG KVLT, doesn’t it? Speed, riffs, raw energy. This EP is no exception and quickly swept away everything on its path. 



I caught myself that over the past couple of years I’m listening to a lot of traditional heavy/speed metal. And TRAVELER just brought an amazing album this year which easily bring us back 35 years back in time. 




I was really surprised by the quality of this record. I mean, I’m not that big fan of the band. However “The Heretics” just put so many other (and overrated bands and albums) to sleep.



DOWNFALL OF GAIA – Ethic Of Radical Finitude

Deep, vast, emotional, the latest by DOWNFALL OF GAIA is a real masterpiece. Carrying moods, experiences, feelings, the music just takes the listener and brings him to new, distant and cozy places…



VEILBURNER – A Sire To The Ghouls Of Lunacy

Experimental Black/Death metal released on 28 December 2018. I mean, again, WTF the labels are thinking releasing albums on 28 or 30 December? Still, for me, it is a new release. Can we consider it as a new one? Because it is an amazing album actually, which gave me so great emotions in the first half of 2019. VEILBURNER just fkn destroy and rule!


Count Vlad