Black Friday XVII – Underground Reco

4 min read

Since the last #BlackFriday I had the chance to listen to plenty of music, so oldies, some recent releases, other not so recent. I can’t live without music. So I decided to choose these 4 bands.


Band: At Home In Hell
Title: Self Identified Deity
Label: Independent
Release date: 05 May 2019
Country: USA
Format reviewed: Digital Promo


AT HOME IN HELL is a band from the USA and they started in 2006. “Self Identified Deity” is the second album and they have a lot of collaborations in this album. When I saw the cover never thought they played Industrial Metal in the vein of Fear Factory era “Demanufacture”. Yes, they remind me a lot this band. Not bad for me to be honest. Other influences can be found in the album, like the “core”. “Self Identified Deity” it has his “high” moments with songs like “Revolutionary Suicide”, “Just Another Story” or “The Knife” among others. I admit at the same time that, this kind of metal, I do not listen to every day, because I do not feel related with it, but this band has quality and I think that you should listen to. 




Band: Plague Weaver
Title: Plague Weaver
Label: Independent
Release date: 17 March 2019
Country: Canada
Format reviewed: Digital Promo


Many time I saw in the promos, email, reviews, etc, etc, saying that the band plays a tribute or it’s inspired by the X band or the Y band and after I listen to the music… Tchhhhh… Thankfully, Plague Weaver is not that case. They say they are inspired by those bands and they are. The bands? Hellhammer, old Rotting Christ, and old Varathron or old Samael and to all the old Black who mixes the Dark Atmospheres. 100% correct. I applaud the band for that. They said and they did it. Very good. The atmosphere, the chorus, the riffs, the voice, the sound production, the songs, even if this EP only have two songs, and they played A LOT. These two songs are just… Very very good and I want more. My rate for this EP is 10. Wait… I do not give rates on the #BlackFriday #UndergroundReco. Damn…



Band: Throne Of Flesh
Title: Dogma
Label: Independent
Release date: 08 February 2019
Country: Italy
Format reviewed: Digital Promo


According to the email that I got directly from the band, THRONE OF FLESH is a Death Metal band formed by three old friends from other various projects of Italian extreme metal underground, after a search I found it and I do recognize a few. But let me talk about THRONE OF FLESH… They play old school Death Metal that reminds me a lot the cadence from Bolt Thrower mixed with the riffs a la Deicide or Malevolent Creation. The voice that reminds me of Autopsy and all this mixed with Morbid Angel or Asphyx. Can you imagine all this? Well, if you can, it is what you will listen to in these 4 songs available in this demo. Very good indeed. Check them. Well worth it.



Band: Deathmarch
Title: Dismember
Label: Dawning Septic Productions
Release date: 26 April 2019
Country: Netherlands
Format reviewed: Tape


The past week I made a special #BlackFriday dedicated to this label, and I got a new promo from them. This time this young label made the reissue from the 2017 EP originally released by Black Lion Records. What do we have here? If you read the past #BlackFriday you already know what to expect from this label. If you didn’t saw/read it, well… I can inform you that the band plays Old School Death Metal. They play Old School Dutch Death Metal, and, yes there is a Dutch Death Metal “trademark”. At least in my opinion. The rhythm in songs, the mid-tempo beat on the drums, even the way of singing. But that can be bad? No, if you like (I do). It’s the same situation as the OSSDM, but in this case OSDDM. EhEh. Talking about DEATHMARCH and this reissue. The songs are good, good vocals, simple but effective drum, and with some catchy riffs but, the guitar sound production could be stronger in order to bring more power to the songs, the riffs are there but the lack of a “strong” guitar sound is not a good point. This is the only “negative” thing that I did find in this release.




Thank you for reading my Reco… Till next #BlackFriday
Stay metal.

The Key Keeper

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.