Band: Big Business Title: The Beast You Are Label: Joyful Noise Recordings Release Date: 12 April 2019 Country: USA Format...
Heavy Metal
Band: Haunt Title: If Icarus Could Fly Label: Shadow Kingdom Records Release Date: 15 March 2019 Country: USA Format Reviewed:...
Scouring the end of year lists always proves to be one of my favourite past times once December/January hits –...
Band: Chainbreaker Title: Lethal Desire Label: Hells Headbangers Records Release Date: 15th February 2019 Country: Canada Format Reviewed: Digital Promo...
Band: Tytus Title: Rain After Drought Label: Fighter Records Release Date: 8 January 2019 Country: Italy Format reviewed: Digital For...
Band: Blade Killer Title: High Risk Label: M-Theory Audio Release Date: 23 November 2018 Country: USA Format Reviewed: Digital In...
Band: Blackrat Title: Dread Reverence Country: Canada Label: Shadow Kingdom records Release date: 23 November 18 Format reviewed: Digital Mp3...
Band: Temtris Title: Rapture Label: Battlegod Productions Release Date: 2 November 2018 Country: Australia Format reviewed: Digital Being a huge...
All this talk about ‘Rock is Dead’ and who is going to carry the torch once the all the major...
Band: Dewfall Title: Hermeticus Label: Naturmacht Productions Release Date: 13 October 2018 Country: Italy Format reviewed: Digital Glistening atop a...