Band: Vomitor Title: Pestilent Death Label: Hells Headbangers Records Release Date: 20 April 2018 Country: Australia Format reviewed: Digital CD...
Band: Serum Dreg Title: Lustful Vengeance Label: Invictus Productions Release Date: 20 April 2018 Country: United States Format reviewed: Digital...
Band: Deadly Carnage Title: Through The Void, Above The Suns Label: A Sad Sadness Song Release Date: 30 March 2018...
Band: Void Ceremony Title: Foul Origins of Humanity Label: Blood Harvest Date of release: 16 February 2018 Country: U.S.A Release...
Band: Leda Spiridon Title: An Erratic Crusade Label: War Productions Release Date: 26 February 2018 Country: France Format reviewed: Digital...
Band: Kalmah Title: Palo Label: Spinefarm Records Release Date: 6 April 2018 Country: Finland Format reviewed: Digital 20 years of...
Band: Kolossor Album: Crown Of Horns Label: Independent/Sludgelord Records Release date: 6 April 2018 Country: USA Format reviewed: FLAC...
Band: Thrashist Regime Album: Carnival of Monsters Label: Fat Hippy Records Release Date: 28 April 2018 Country: Scotland Format Reviewed:...
Band: Grá Title: Väsen Label: Carnal Records Release Date: 27 April 2018 Country: Sweden Format reviewed: CD-quality Digital Promo Grá...
Band: Morbosidad Title: Corona de Epidemia Label: Nuclear War Now! Productions Release Date: 18 March 2018 Country: United States Format...