#ShortOnes XXIV #UndergroundRecos
Hello there,
La la la la la la la, Is Saturday (again) and we are on weekend, well, at least the majority, so I hope if you are working (like I was) don’t get offended and listen to some metaaaaaalllllllllllllllllll. If you can.
Anyway… Hope you can enjoy my choices for today.

Band: Azazel
Title: Aegrus Satanas Tecum
Label: Primitive Reaction
Release date: 24 September 2021
Country: Finland
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
One of the oldest Black Metal bands from Finland is back… Born in 92, released one demo and one EP and then… Puff… Hiatus… Returned in 2011 and till now they are +/- active. “Aegrus Satanas Tecum” is the third album from this band and… I really did enjoyed listening to it.

Band: Bloodphemy
Title: Blood Sacrifice
Label: Emanzipation Productions
Release date: 03 September 2021
Country: Netherlands
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
I’m following the band since “Bloodline” was released originally in 2017 and I did enjoy the band since the first earing (in 2018 when the tape version was out). After that “In Cold Blood” very good album too. I wrote some lines about both (tape versions) and I did enjoy it. But comparing this album with the previous? Unfortunately, I have to compare… Even if it is a good album and deserves the attention of a good Death Metal fan, I have to admit… Is not so good as the previous albums.

Band: Dead Soul Alliance
Title: Behind the Scenes
Label: Bitter Loss Records
Release date: 03 September 2021
Country: Canada
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
The latest (after 3 Ep and 1single) and at the same time the first album released by this Canadian band. I need to say this. This album is good, you must listen to it. The previous EP’s and I will only tell about the ones I know, “Proud to Die” EP 2013 and “Slaves to the Apocalypse” EP 2017. They were interesting releases and I notice that time very good ideas there, but the confirmation and the real evaluation of this band is with this album. Very good Death Metal. Check them.

Band: Ild
Title: Fandens lykteskjær
Label: Screaming Skull Records
Release date: 20 August 2021
Country: Norway
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
1 demo was released last year, 1 single was released this year, just to put a bit of water inside our mouth about the upcoming album and I admit, both are very good releases, and bummmmmm. Yes, the first album from this Norwegian band is released and a very good one. It as soul, it as dark feelings, it as atmosphere, dedication, and what the band does/play is nothing new, that is true, but, it’s done correctly
Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.
The Key Keeper 666
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.