Black Friday XVI – Underground Reco

5 min read

Well… I’m doing already the #BlackFriday XVI #UndergroundReco and for this issue, I decided to do a Special label Reco. I got the promos from the young Canadian label Dawning Septic Productions and I can say “Hell Yeah, very good releases that I have here”. So, read it, support the bands and support this young label. Beware that all releases are in very limited quantities, so act fast before is too late. Links of the end of the article.


Band: Bloodphemy
Title: In Cold Blood
Label: Dawning Septic Productions
Release date: 29 March 2019
Country: Netherlands
Format reviewed: Tape


The band BLOODPHEMY is from the Netherlands and it’s not unknown to me and I already review the previous album (here) and the interview (here) made by an old member. So when I got the tape from this young Canadian label I was very happy with that and with the chance to review it again. Comparing the “In Cold Blood” with the previous album “Bloodline” I noticed a few things. The band is heavier, with a stronger and powerful sound and faster, in this case just a few. BLOODPHEMY is a “kind” of a mix of Florida Death Metal with the Swedish Death Metal. This way, in my opinion, the band can “satisfy” all the fans of Death Metal. The songs are very well balanced with many many killer riffs and the voice continues with powerful growls. The changes between both Death Metal styles are very well achieved in my opinion. This is a band that every Death Metal fan should follow and support. NOTE: I think my tape will soon be spent as I’ve been listening countless times. 


Bloodphemy Webshop

Band: Satanic
Title: From Hell
Label: Dawning Septic Productions
Release date: 19 February 2019
Country: Canada
Format reviewed: Tape


From Canada, I got the tape from SATANIC. And… Yeah… Hail to the old school. SATANIC is the pure mix of Thrash Metal and Death Metal. Yes in this order. The sound of the band reminds me Sepultura era “Beneath the Remains” with a mix of the 90’s Thrash Metal/Death Metal made in those years and the voice from the ’90s Death Metal style. So this band is for lovers of that mix and of course Old school metal lovers. Yes, it’s old school but not old metal. Do they bring anything new? Of course not, the mix above mention is almost in the same age that I have right now, but the way they do is well done and with no flaws. In almost 40min of music I never got bored or I said “I do not like this song”, there are songs better than others, of course, that the band can’t avoid but, ALL the album is very very good and I really advise this album to all, even to the metal lovers that are younger comparing to this old school mix of Thrash / Death Metal.



Band: Hellbörn
Title: Pillage In The land Of God
Label: Dawning Septic Productions
Release date: 07 February 2019
Country: Canada
Format reviewed: Tape


Originally released last year as an independent release, “Pillage In The Land Of God” is now reissued in tape format by the young Canadian label Dawning Septic Productions. “Pillage In The Land Of God” is the first album from HELLBÖRN and it’s a piece of Old School Death Metal. A good release in my opinion that reminds me Death era “Scream Bloody Gore”. I can inform you that is 30min of very good Death Metal. The voice is sick, the sound production is dirty (Love it), but you can understand everything. The “beat” of the drums and the riffs, tchhhhh, 100% old school, no space for modern metal here. Wonderful. And the guitar solos? The same, they are in the old school spirit. I really love it. Maybe I’m an old school bastard and for me, this is the “real” Death Metal. Listen to them, support the band and support the label too. (Check also the interview already done by an older member, here)



Band: Obscure Devotion
Title: Ubi Certa Pax Est
Label: Dawning Septic Productions / Dark Horizon Records
Release date: 05 April 2019
Country: Italy
Format reviewed: CD


Well… This album was released in 2016 as independent, label by the English label with an Italian person behind it, Third I Rex in 2017 and now in the North American continent by the two labels mention above. I already know this band and in the past, I didn’t review them, (sorry about it) but now I thought to myself that I MUST review them because all of you need to know them. So here it goes… This Italian band is mainly Black Metal, yes it’s is, but you can find Death Metal influences here and there, in some songs more and in others just a few or almost nothing. But the main influence that I found in this album is… Dissection. Yes, it reminds me. Not a copy paste band, but they can’t deny that it looks a lot. The main goal of this Italian band? I do not know. Another thing that I notice and for me is a trademark from many Italian Black Metal bands. They have their own way of giving melody to the songs. It’s an album that has almost 48min with plenty of good music quality. Yes, it is. You should listen to them.


Dawning Septic Productions

Dark Horizon Records

Thank you for reading my Reco… Till next #BlackFriday
Stay metal.

The Key Keeper

NOTE: Bloodphemy CD version by Black Lion Records

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.