Band: DodenGod Title: Salvation Label: Antitheus Productions Release Date: 6 June 2018 Country: Belgium Format Reviewed: High Quality Digital Promos...
Band: The Eternal Title: Waiting for the Endless Dawn Label: Inverse Records Release Date: 17 August 2018 Country: Australia Format...
Intriguing, stellar, heavy and dreamy. The 2018 "Terra Solus" album by Sergeant Thunderhoof is among the finest things to listen...
SLAYER: the band that every metal fan is familiar with. Slayer - the American thrash metal icons - formed in...
Band: OH! Title: Metallia Label: Olitunes Release Date: 27 th July, 2018 Country: Greece Format reviewed: CD Oh wow! What...
Band: Radiant Knife Title: Science Fiction Label: independent/self-released Release date: August 8, 2018 Country: USA Format reviewed: mp3 (vbr) promo...
Louisiana duo Radiant Knife “creates heavy aural trips tangled in a web of off timings, layered psychedelic synth/vocal textures, and drumming...
Band: Towards the Hell Title: Eternal Darkness Label: Independent Release date: 20 July 2018 Country: Poland Format reviewed: Digital Promo...
Band: Morag Tong Title: Last Knell of Om Label: Self Released (Independent) Release Date: 18 May 2018 Country: London, UK...
Band: Tuscoma Title: Arkhitecturenominus Label: Antena Krzyku Records/Muzai Records Release date: August 16, 2018 Country: New Zealand Format reviewed: mp3...