Band: Below A Silent Sky Title: A View From A Afar Label: Sef released Release Date: 11 March 2018 Country:...
Band: Whipstriker Title: Merciless Artillery Label: Hells Headbangers Records Release Date: 9 March 2018 Country: Brazil Here's another Whipstriker release....
Band: Ossuarium Title: Calcified Trophies of Violence Label: Blood Harvest Release Date: 16 February 2018 Country: U.S.A. Ossuarium are an...
Band: Mournful Congregation Title: The Incubus of Karma Label: Osmose Productions Release Date: 23 March 2018 Country: Australia Close your...
Band: Esoctrilihum Title: Pandaemorthium (Forbidden Formulas To Awaken The Blind Sovereigns of Nothingness) Label: I, Voidhanger Records Release Date: 23...
Band: Anialator Title: Rise to Supremacy Label: Xtreem Music Date: February 7, 2018 Country: U.S.A. Having formed originally in 1986...
Band: Stromstad Title: New Devoted Human Label: Malignant Records Date: December 8, 2017 Country: Norway / Finland Well well well......
Band: Strychnia Title: Into The Catacombs Label: Independent/Unsigned Release Date: March 9, 2018 Country: USA I'm a sucker for killer...
Band: Defenestration Title: Gutter Perdition Label: XenoKorp Date: February 9, 2018 Country: France Forming in 2014, Defenestration are a four-piece...
Band: GraveCoven Title: Coughing Blood Label: Godz ov War Productions Release Date: 19 February 2018 Country: USA GraveCoven is a...