Band: Alastor Title: The Dark Tower Label: War Productions / Dead Sheep Productions Release Date: January 26, 2018 Country: Portugal...
Blessed Altar Zine
Band: Anarchos Title: Invocation of Moribund Spirits Label: Blood Harvest Date: January 19, 2018 Country: Netherlands Beginning in 2010, Anarchos...
Band: Druid Lord Title: Grotesque Offerings Label: Hells Headbangers Release Date: January 19, 2018 Country: United States Florida death/doom outfit...
Band: Faceless Burial Title: Grotesque Miscreation Label: Blood Harvest / Iron Lung Records Date: January 19, 2018 Country: Australia Faceless...
Band: Vhorthax Title: Nether Darkness Label: Iron Bonehead Productions Release Date: January 5, 2018 Country: Russia Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region,...
Necrosi is a death metal band from Agrigento Italy, providing intesive musical butchery in the best traditions of the genre...
Band: Crow Black Sky Title: Sidereal Light - Volume One Label: Independent Release Date: January 17th, 2018 Country: South Africa...
Band: Spectral Lore/Jute Gyte Title: Hellian Label: I, Voidhanger Records Release Date: January 18, 2018 Country: Greece/U.S.A. This is a...
Interview: Humanity’s End Humanity’s End are death metal band from the USA that formed in 2017. With catchy heavy riffing...
Band: Ectoplasma Title: Cavern of Foul Beings Label: Memento Mori Date: January 22, 2018 Country: Greece Hailing from Greece, Ectoplasma...