Crow Black Sky “Sidereal Light – Volume One”

Band: Crow Black Sky
Title: Sidereal Light – Volume One
Label: Independent
Release Date: January 17th, 2018
Country: South Africa
After eight years this South-African black metal band has returned with an amazing release. A band hailing from Cape Town with members Ryan Higgo (bass, vocals), Gideon Lamprecht (guitars, songwriting, backing vocals) & Lawrence Jaeger(drums).
“Sidereal light ~ volume one” was released January 17th. Consisting out of four tracks “Ascendant”, “To Fathom The Stars”, “Lightless, Lifeless” and “Veils”.
The vocals on this release are captivating with sheer intensity, brimming with emotion. The atmospheric sections were captured perfectly creating an ethereal mood that definitely takes one into a trance of pure beauty. All elements of instrumentation provide their own unique textures. The guitars place a beautiful ambience that gets met with incredible drumming, fusing majestically. They’ve really gone much darker with this release than their prior(Pantheion), but definitely pull it off. If you’re looking for a black metal release that’ll grip you with every track, Sidereal light ~ Volume One is definitely the album for you, 33min and 21sec of bliss. 9/10 Lady NeCrow