BAZ Friday LXXII – Underground Reco For Underground Maniacs

3 min read

Did this week go by so fast or was it my impression? Oh my. The life that we have at this moment due to this world situation and some countries’ restrictions looked that the days are no longer so big and time is passing through our eyes… I didn’t want to talk about it, but it’s true. But well, at least I still have my Metal music to cheer me up.

So, let me start with my recos for all of you, lovers of the underground.

Band: Ende
Title: Mörnöyr, bienvenue en terre du Diable
Label: Obscure Abhorrence Productions
Release date: 01 November 2020
Country: France
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
Style: Black Metal
Time playing: 48:18
Cover/Music: 7/10 – 8/10
Details: I had the pleasure to review the previous album (here) and I got now the promo of the new album. Well, this album stays in the same way of the previous one. Not so many changes. They have their own trademark/formula and they stay that way. Thank you for that.

Band: Black Tar Superstar
Title: … Old Gods, Awaken
Label: Independent
Release date: 30 October 2020
Country: USA
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
Style: Sludge / Doom Metal
Time playing: 29:35
Cover/Music: 7/10 – 8/10
Details: A very good surprise. A lot of good riffs, good solos, a very good voice. This EP is an excellent acquisition for all Sludge/Doom lovers.

Band: Herald
Title: Kurat
Label: Besat Records
Release date: 01 October 2020
Country: Estonia
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
Style: Heavy Metal
Time playing: 40:15
Cover/Music: 8/10 – 8/10
Details: First thing, don’t ask me what the hell the vocalist is saying because I do not understand. So let me stay in the music. Very good Heavy Metal. Is not my cup of tea the music style, but this band is very good.

Band: Katapult
Title: Shut the Fuck Up and Press Play
Label: Independent
Release date: 06 October 2020
Country: Switzerland
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
Style: Melodic Death Metal / Thrash Metal
Time playing: 15:52
Cover/Music: 8/10 – 8/10
Details: Well, the name of the Ep it says everything. So play the Play button and enjoy a good Melodic Death Metal with some Thrash Metal influences from this Helvetic band.

From my private collection…

Band: Chalice Of Suffering
Title: For You I Die
Label: War Productions
Release date: 26 November 2016
Country: USA
Format reviewed: Tape
Style: Funeral Doom
Time playing: 01:14:15
Cover/Music: 8/10 – 9/10
Details: Very good Funeral Doom even if the guitars are not in the typical Funeral Doom sound. A very good release.

Band: Northcrown (R.I.P.)
Title: Ancient Battles, Part I
Label: Elven Witchcraft (R.I.P.)
Release date: 2000
Country: Finland
Format reviewed: Tape
Style: Viking Black Metal
Time playing: 21:19
Cover/Music: 8/10 – 8/10
Details: I LOVE this band. Unfortunately, they are gone. This is the second demo released by them. Try to get this demo and the others too. I can help you with that if you want.

And now… A classic…

Band: Malevolent Creation
Title: The Ten Commandments
Label: R/C Records (R.I.P.)
Release date: 24 April 1991
Country: USA
Format reviewed: CD
Style: Death Metal
Time playing: 38:17
Cover/Music: 10/10 – 10/10
Details: They don’t need any introductions. This album is a masterpiece of pure Death Metal.

Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.

Till next #BAZFriday
The Key Keeper

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.