IN ROTATION: Our most played albums in July 2020

8 min read

July is gone, we are already in August, next month will arrive Autumn and when we notice, 2020 will be gone… But let me stay in July most 5 played albums for now. Check them…

Overkill – The Years Of Decay 
Megaforce Records – 1989

This album was the introduction for one of the best Thrash Metal Band in my opinion, even if they have those groove albums… No more words needed for this classic album and band too…

Asilian – Brutal Therapy
Independent – 2015

Till now the only release from this band. It’s a mix of Death Metal with some Thrash Metal. Unfortunately only 5 songs.

Bathory – Blood Fire Death
Under One Flag – 1988

It’s really necessary to write about this classic an amazing album? Well… I don’t think so… But I can give my opinion about it. Was the first album I heard and it was love at first hearing. Still love this album so much… Especially the song “A Fine Day to Die”…

Bolt Thrower – The IVth Crusade
Earache Records – 1992

BUMMMMMMMM… One of the best Death Metal bands that ever existed. Don´t try to change my mind cause I will not change it. All them releases are amazing and their sound is unique. No one can do it again.

Dkharmakhaoz – Proclamation ov the Black Suns
Iron Bonehead Productions – 2020

Dkharmakhaoz… I mention this band on my #BAZFriday article (here) and since then this album is playing a lot. Every time I listen to, more details I found. This album is a masterpiece.

The Key Keeper