BAZ Friday XLVIII – Underground Reco For Underground Maniacs

2 min read

It looks that everything if going back to the normal. Hope so to be honest. This week even if it was a hard week, at least for me, I managed to listen some good music and cause of that, I wrote some lines about some releases. Hope you enjoy it…

Band: In the Company of Serpents
Title: Lux
Label: Independent
Release Date: 15 May 2020
Country: USA
Format Reviewed: Digital Promo

“Lux” is the fourth album from this doomsters from Denver, Colorado, USA and what a album. A Doom/Sluge/Stoner album so good. The cadence of the songs, the voice, the atmosphere around it. Grabbed me so well. I played this album many times, and more times I play it, more addicted I was to this album. Check them.


Band: Misanthropic Rituals
Title: A Path Through Absent Places
Label: Independent
Release Date: 25 May 2020
Country: USA
Format Reviewed: Digital Promo

This young band released the first opus in 2017. It was a split with Todeswalzer (Germany) and Funeral Art (Guatemala) and now after one album and another split, arrives at my hands/ears the second album. “A Path Through Absent Places” is one album that reminds me of the late 90’s Black Metal. It reminds me of a bit of Legenda (Finland) and a bit of Rotting Christ. It was a good hearing with some interesting details whole ver the album. Check them.


Band: Nadir
Title: The Great Dying
Label: Independent
Release Date: 01 May 2020
Country: Norway
Format Reviewed: Digital Promo

“The Great Dying” is the first release from this band and it have one big problem. Only 4 songs. It’s only an EP. Damn. Moving inside the Black Metal music style and… Hardcore… Yes… Not my cup or tea or not my beach. But the mix is very well done and this EP is really contagious. I did enjoy it. Very good. You really need to check it.


Band: Tristwood
Title: Blackcrowned Majesty
Label: Independent
Release Date: 29 May 2020
Country: Austria
Format Reviewed: Digital Promo

First question… Are you into raw sound? Second question… Do you like Industrial music style? Third question… Mixed with Death and some Black Metal? well, if you do, this is for you. If you dont… Well… In my opinion you will lost a good band. Nothing new will be found, at least in what I know from bands playing that mix. But, even if there is nothing new, this band is good and they deserve a listen. Check them.


Don’t forget to support the bands and the labels too.

Till next #BAZFriday
The Key Keeper

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.