Black Friday I – Underground Reco

4 min read

Band: Suffering Quota 
Title: Life In Disgust
Label: Loner Cult Records, Dawnbreed Records, Mono Canibal Records and 7Degrees Records on vinyl.
Tartarus Records Music Cassette.
Release date: 2nd November 2018
Country: The Netherlands
Format reviewed: Digital Promo

When I got this promo, what it really caught my attention was that one of the labels who is doing this release I already knew. So I decided to wrote some lines about it. And from I knew from the label… The quality is here. SUFFERING QUOTA is from the Netherlands and they play Grindcore with some Death Metal influences. The album is well produced and you can listen to everything. The average of the songs is about 1m30s. Short but very good. If you are into the Grindcore you should listen to this album. If you are not and you want to listen to one good band? I advise this one to you. The only thing that is not ok for me is only one … The album only has almost 21m and I would like to have more. But… The 21m is with very good music.



Dawnbreed Records
7degrees Records
Loner Cult Records
Mono Canibal Records
Tartarus Records

Band: Candura
Title: /I
Label: GreySun Records
Release date: 13th October 2018
Country: Portugal
Format Reviewed: Digital Promo

 is a two-man band from Portugal and they play… I will tell you… This demo is divided into two songs just simply named “I” and “I'”. The first track… With a lot and a constant of fuzzy noise sounds with some agonized/screaming voices.  The second track… The voices still there mainly in the same way but this time with a Black Metal background music. So we can say that the band plays Noise Black Metal or Black Noise Metal. Hmmmmm… Well, depends on your point of view. CANDURA is different, is strange and it’s felt… If you enter on them music cadence you will understand better what they are doing. I would like to see them live. If you want to get out from your safety island and check something different, CANDURA is one band you need to check, but… Please have an open mind.




Band: Hesperian Death Horse
Title: Živ
Label: Independent
Release Date: 15th August 2018
Country: Croatia
Format Reviewed: CD

… They are a quintet and come from Croatia and “Živ” (Croatian for “Alive”) is the third release. The second release of the trilogy created by the band since they exist. A trilogy that is written in reverse… Death, Life, and Birth… Hmmmm… Do they ride a Death Horse since 3700 million Mya years? Well… “The Hesperian is a geologic system and time period on the planet Mars characterized by widespread volcanic activity and catastrophic flooding that carved immense outflow channels across the surface….” (Info taken from Wikipedia). So the name is quite strange for me, well, the mix of the 3 words but… I think why they chose it… Hesperian Death Horse, they do a mix of Avant-garde / Sludge / Post Metal, at least for me they sound like this. Divided into four songs this release is a kind of story and every song seems to tell a travel story from Mars to the planet Earth. The band manages to create a good atmosphere and this release was of a pleasant hearing.


Band: Alphakill
Title: Degrees of Manipulation
Label: Independent
Release Date: 26th October 2018
Country: Canada
Format Reviewed: Digital Promo

Totally unknown to me this Canadian band. And what a surprise. “Degrees of Manipulation” is the second album/release and what he have here? Thrash Metal with some Technical/progressive touches. They remind me a bit of Annihilator, Forbidden or Helstar. With a very good sound production and they started to record it in Spring 2014?!?! During the recording process, a few things happen and the band decided to take a hiatus. The recording was eventually finished in 2017. Was it worth the wait? Yes. We have here an excellent Thrash Metal release divided into 10 songs. Some more aggressive others a little more melodic. You will have the chance to listen almost 53m of very well done Thrash Metal with guitar solos that are very good.

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