Grievance – Visões no Deambulatório – Exclusive Stream

5 min read

We start the new year in an exclusive style. The Portuguese black metal band Grievance has a new single – “Visões no Deambulatório” from the upcoming new album “Em Lucefécit”, out via War Productions. Now I have the great pleasure to ask Grievance’s mastermind Koraxid a few questions, in order to get all the preliminary important information on the track, the album, the music and so on. And of course, you can listen to the single exclusively first on Blessed Altar Zine

– Happy New Year, Koraxid! I’m happy to have you again in Blessed Altar Zine dominions for this chat on the new single. How are you? I guess excited about everything which is going on around Grievance?
– I am quite thrilled to announce a new era on Grievance’s sound, with a more dark and extreme path being unveiled here with this new single, now and since mid-2017 Grievance is my only full-time commitment to extreme music, and the results are very well expressed in this new full-length. I am working tirelessly in composing and creating new songs and material and inspiration is coming in a tidal wave across my mind…

– “Visões no Deambulatório” is the first single from Grievance’s brand new album “Em Lucefécit”. First of all, what’s the main idea behind the track and what did inspire you to write it?
– I was inspired by my travels to the interior of the country, actually the lyrics for this song were inspired by the visit to a 12th century hermitage built by the hospitalarian order, placed near the Spanish border, the exterior of it looks like a fortification, with battlements all across its walls, also the shape of the structure’s plan is very rare, it is built in a shape of an equilateral cross. The interior walls were completely black because of the accumulated candle smoke, and there was a lot of very old paintings, including some very interesting medieval lord images.

– What are the actual visions in the ambulatory described in the track?
– The lyrics of the song reflect this environment, and actually it crossed my mind that all of this war lords, once powerful, now are just forgotten nameless souls, only perpetuated by these portraits, then I had a vision, an epiphany, the internal desire of perpetuating my existence through the creation of art, a life-enduring mission which I, now more than ever embrace.

– Musically the band seems to be in a blasting mode! The track is five and a half minutes of pure atmospheric grim Lvsitanian Black Metal. How would you describe it actually?
– I think your description fits very nicely, I am forging a new and more extreme sound, more obscure and majestic, inspired by the old energy from the Hyberian Peninsula’s lore and occult energies, but also with more broader themes, such as the black plague, the burning of Alexandria’s library, etc.

– Did you choose the track to be your first single because of its grimness?
– Actually you will find that all the album is a whole lot darker, I have chosen this track because it is very atmospheric, varied and has great guitar riffs and drum patterns, to me is my favorite, but I must say that all the album to me is very satisfying to hear, there are no fillers.

– Is this what we will hear on the whole album or there are also more melancholic atmospheric tracks as well?
– Oh yes, the whole album is much more extreme and aggressive, no synth, no folk instruments, I have just stripped all of this and concentrated in just making a good Black Metal album, plain and simple, and much more defying for me as a composer.

– Is there a main theme or inspiration around which “Em Lucefécit” is centered and written?
– “Em Lucefécit”, which means “ In Lucefécit” in English is the title of one of the album’s tracks, here goes the explanation of the track’s concept and the idea of naming the album with this title:

Lucefécit: River located on the province of Alentejo, Portugal, near the Spanish border, close to the village of Alandroal, known by its “sinful” name, given by the Catholic church to divert the “faithful” from its surroundings in the dark ages, old sacred cult place to the Lusitanian pagan deity Endovélico, whose sanctuary is located in an escarpment whose base touches the banks of this river. The name, its origins and the landscape itself inspire a journey to the hidden and unknown deep forces of nature.
“Em Lucefécit” can also represent an allegory of a state of consciousness that leads to a greater connection with the source of primordial knowledge, simple, direct, untouched by the distorted action of human thought, which allows one to explore a vast area of emotions, sensations and even lead to the discovery of new interior realities.

– When will the album be released?
– The album’s exact release date is not settled yet, but surely it will be out in February 2019.

– What other tasty details can you give us on the record at this point in time?
– The album will be released in 12” Vinyl and there will be a die-hard very limited edition available, more info will be revealed soon by the band or the label.

– Thank you very much for this quick chat! I wish you much success in 2019 and I’ll be looking forward to talk to you again when the album is out and you can present it to our readers with all details in full!
– Thanks again for all the tireless support, all the best for you and the zine, Cheers!

Interview by Count Vlad.



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