Band: Ensnared Title: Inimicus Generis Humani Label: Invictus Productions Release date: 14 February 2020 Country: Sweden Format reviewed: Digital Promo...
Band: Kvaen Title: The Funeral Pyre Label: Black Lion Records Release date: 28 February 2020 Country: Sweden Format reviewed: Digital...
Band: Vananidr Titled: Damnation Label: Purity Through Fire Release 24 January 2020 Country: Sweden Format reviewed: Digital Promo The story...
Band: Reaper Title: Unholy Nordic Noise Label: Iron Bonehead Productions Release date: 31 January 2020 Country: Sweden Format reviewed: Digital...
Band: Death Wolf Title: IV: Come the Dark Label: Blooddawn Productions Release date: 10 December 2019 Country: Sweden Format reviewed:...
Band: Ofdrykkja Title: Gryningvisor Label: AOP Records Release date: 29 November 2019 Country: Sweden Format reviewed: Digital Promo “She sang,...
Band: Avslut Title: Tyranni Label: Osmose Productions Release date: 29 November 2019 Country: Sweden Format reviewed: Digital Promo Lately I...
Well well... Edition XXXIII. This time I decided to do a bit different. I decided to just give to all...
Band: Hazemaze Title: Hymns of the Damned Label: Cursed Tongue Records/Ripple Music Release date: 22 November 2019 Country: Sweden Format...
Band: Sarcasm Title: Esoteric Tales of the Unserene Label: Chaos Records Release Date: 14 October 2019 Country: Sweden Format: Digital...