Avslut – Tyranni

3 min read

Band: Avslut
Title: Tyranni
Label: Osmose Productions
Release date: 29 November 2019
Country: Sweden
Format reviewed: Digital Promo

Lately I feel like I have been rather negative. Perhaps it is my own fault for not researching first the music I pick each week, but a blind pick is often good and I have been told that even the negative needs to be put out there. Well, it’s been enough for now, and I’m going to take the advice from my dear friend Tom Boatman and pick something I enjoy for once and let someone else take a bullet for the team.

And indeed I did! I came across the Swedish AVSLUT recently and was instantly taken. “Tyranni” is the second full-length album from the band, scheduled to release on the 29th of coming November. Its full-frontal black with a massive sound, resulting in very professional speed, technicality, and near perfect songwriting.

Right at the start, the title track “Tyranni” has riffs in all the right places along with immense drumming and non-goblin-like shrieking vocals which are often present in black metal. The clean screaming spectrum leads you to hear more genres in here than just BM. The Swedish vein is exposed to the Stockholm sound we have heard from bands such as Dark Funeral. The open track sets the bar for the album way high.

And the bar remains high with the following tracks. Different blasts and grind come hot out of the drumming factory greatly supporting the various riff passages in a tasteful way. From a musical standpoint, I was blown away by the professionalism these guys bring to the table, but a feeling kept crawling up on me that perhaps it would be over soon.

“Likvidering” brought a slower part on top on everything that had gone by already with a very atmospheric sound in a grand way, most likely because of the well-fitting vocals that seem even more fitting to this particular track than anything else.

Slow, heavy, melodic beauty is added with “Allt Forgas”, layers on top of layers of exquisite riffs and sad lyrics shaped in with the tones. It was the farthest from a letdown and neither was the next track, “Den Eviga Flamman”, sounding completely different as techy riffs opened upbringing forth a little thrash feeling. The songs have a certain formula of starting out all blazing before a slowdown and yet another built up, it kept me on my toes and occupied my interest so far which I believe personally is important in BM. It can easily become a slippery slope to keep everything upfront in the beginning, leading to a lack of interest and tiredness for the listener.

As if I wasn’t impressed enough “Pestens Larjungar” includes a dramatic orchestrated intro before light speed comes along. The desperately powerful vocals continue what appears to be endlessly, and the impressive playing is non-stop. A feel of Dimmu Borgir rises in “Drap” before moving into atmospheric sound with sweet melodies. As the closing track “Andlost Slaveri” finished up, I realized at the end of each track throughout the album I had thought to myself that must have been the best one, and yet I kept getting surprised with yet another great track.

This band is surely one of the discoveries of the year. This album has it all, professionalism at its finest, enjoyable melodies, layers of riffs and immense drumming. Being a newly formed band I believe these guys will climb to the top of the ladder in this genre with ease.

And thanks to Tom Boatman, for pointing out that it’s alright to pick something I enjoy. 8/10 Julia




8/10 To Greatness and glory!
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.