Inverted Cross – Eternal Flames of Hell

Band: Inverted Cross
Title: Eternal Flames of Hell
Label: Hellprod Records
Release Date: 29/11/2024
Country: Spain
Format Reviewed: High-Quality Digital Recording
People often say, “Things were better in the old days,” and we’re more than happy to believe it. This idea is something the members of Inverted Cross have held onto since they started the band.
Imagine this: Tom G. Warrior and Cronos have a blended family, and one day, the kids decide to dig out their dads’ stuff from the attic and start a band. Unfortunately, they don’t have internet, so their only reference material is their dads’ record collection. Is this a good idea? Absolutely! Inverted Cross is a trip down memory lane – think Venom, Hellhammer, Angel Witch, Mercyful Fate—with a grunt.
Do you have to be old and worn-out to appreciate this? Not at all. This Black/Speed-Thrash Metal appeals to all generations, sounding like a modern production with the classic sound of the past, but without any gimmicks.
More and more bands like this are making their way onto the scene, such as Bad Omen (NL) and Ordigort (BE), who fish in the same pond. Bad Omen’s debut album left us wanting more, and Inverted Cross’s “Eternal Flames of Hell” does the same.
After the intro “March of the Fallen”, which sounds like it could be straight off a King Diamond album—the album erupts with the speed/black-metal track “Attack of Hellfire.” Pure nostalgic bliss. “Under An Evil Presence” continues at the same pace, with a raw, almost early Slayer-esque drum sound reminiscent of Show No Mercy.
On “Into the Crypt of The Necromancer”, you can hear the Venom and Hellhammer influences shine through, but with a fresh twist. Standout tracks on this album include “Black Leather Hordes,” “Into the Crypt of the Necromancer,” and the title track “Eternal Flames of Hell.” Are we looking for an ’80s revival? Why not?
It’s often said that the best music was written back then, so why not draw inspiration from metal’s golden age? In the seven years that Inverted Cross has been active, it’s safe to say that their debut sounds more than convincing.
Hail Inverted Cross!!! 8/10 by Consanguineus
8/10 To Greatness and Glory!
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**