#ShortOnes CXLIV #UndergroundRecos

2 min read

Hello there,

It’s Saturday again and with a lot of pleasure here I’m again to talk/write about a few bands.

Enjoy my travel into music and I hope you enjoy my recos.

Band: Desolate Tomb
Title: Scorned by Misery
Label: Rottweiler Records
Release date: 23 February 2024
Country: USA
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

A mix of “I like” and a mix of “I don’t like”. Yes, but even so I had listened to the album several times. The band is moving inside the Brutal Death Metal and Deathcore. The Brutal Death Metal is damn good. The Deathcore part… Boring in my opinion. But even so I decided to check the band and give them a try. Check them.

Band: Damnation
Title: Fátum
Label: Pest Records
Release date: 18 February 2024
Country: Hungary
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

When I saw the promo email and the band name my eyes almost started to jump. Damnation the Polish band is back… But, my eyes didn’t see correctly one thing… The country. This is a new band and from Hungary. A bit “sad”, decided to listen to this new band and… Voilá. An amazing Old School Death Metal. Very good indeed. Now I can say that I’m not “sad” anymore and I know one more band inside our beloved underground. Check this band. Well worth it.

Band: Karkosa
Title: Esoterrorcult
Label: Redefining Darkness Records
Release date: 23 February 2024
Country: USA
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

After one EP in 2018, the band is returning with the first album. A very interesting one. The “easy” to listen to, flows very well. Very pleasant. It was a good surprise and all the times the album played I was enjoying it. Very far from being boring, uninteresting, and anything that makes us stop or jump the music. Check them.

See you next week and…

Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.

The Key Keeper 666

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**