Fullminator – Omniplasm

Band: Fullminator
Title: Omniplasm
Label: Independent
Release date: 11 December 2020
Country: Puerto Rico
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
So, to be completely honest, my pick this week was Fullminator and their new EP “Omniplasm”, but not for the obvious crossover/thrash style, but…really because they just looked fun and I really needed a pick-me-up. I hear the band even has a robot as a mascot.
The Puerto Rican group started out as a cover band but have since their moved into more original material, but even so one of the tracks on this EP is actually a cover of a Beastie Boys track.
Fun stuff.
“Artificial Immolator” is in the form of a fast party-thrash. It was obvious that this was meant to be played out loud, but I happened to have headphones on. Instant Anthrax vibe tight and easy to enjoy brought to you on a silver platter with a solo at the end that ticks all the right boxes on the template sheet of thrash. Mixing this music with the laid-back approach by the members wearing some kind of futuristic outfits and tons of 80s neon lights is a recipe for a good time.
“Checking Accunt$” goes in the same one-two-three-GO as the first one, although the rispy sing along vocals made me wish I had the lyrics in front of me, as i imagine they could possibly be quite humorous. Secondly it made want to break out my air guitar.

“Omniplasm”, the title track, appears to be next according to all information i could find, however it appeared the track order might have been messed up in my folder. Nevertheless we are back to the Anthrax riffing, and there is a slight wonder if there was an intention to have the second riff sound somewhat like Smoke on the water, but in a different manner. Choir is in the choir type, meant to be shouted by the crowd during live shows, that always works.
A turn to Slayer appears in “Perihelion” in the starting riff, but that’s as far as the Slayer likeness goes. Slightly more melodic than the previous tracks on here, a bit more edgy with a little more attitude. Just, a little more. Finally “Fight for Your Right” is last, from all i understand. The original was made by the Beastie Boys and was a huge hit back in 1986. As an interesting side note, the solo in the original was played by Kerry King. This one is quite in the vein as the original although a lot faster, and Kerry´s solo of course has taken on a personal appearance of another player. What is nice, is that this song isn´t butchered, and in the end is taken to the same tempo as the original, making sure everyone catches up on sing along. A rather nice closure.
Overall, I’m not exactly sure what to say about this. There are so many hints and flirts with the greats of this genre, such as Anthrax with their party thrash, but these guys stand their own ground and should not be taken as a joke, even with their funny and laid-back approach. A little humor in metal can´t hurt and it’s a fresh breeze for sure. 7.5/10 Julia Katrin
7.5/10 Victory is possible
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