Sarcator – Sarcator

Band: Sarcator
Title: Sarcator
Label: Redefining Darkness Records
Release date: 30 October 2020
Country: Sweden
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
Today I have strayed from my familiar, dark, overgrown black metal path and thrown myself face-first on to the searing hot asphalt street that is thrash. So for all of the thrash maniacs out there, this one is for you, and unholy shit is it a spicy one!
Sarcator are a spry young blackened thrash quartet from Sweden who, after two years and with two EPs under their bullet-belts, have dropped their first full-length album. The self titled release contains ten hellishly energetic tracks (a bonus eleventh track is available on the CD) that will slap you silly for a delightfully exhausting 46 minutes. In fact, you may want to do some precautionary neck strengthening exercises before hitting play and banging your head to this one (don’t say that you weren’t warned).

Track one “Abyssal Angel” opens the album with a crazy, old school whammy guitar tone before erupting in a manic frenzy. It becomes immediately clear that the band is well versed in their metal history and delivers all the classic thrash tropes. The musicianship here is honestly flabbergasting, with the precision on display almost reaching levels of some of the greats. There is a salute to the traditional thrash sound throughout the album, the riffs are fast, tight, and sharp, the bass is blasting, the drums are dynamic and unrelenting, while the vocal performance is everything that you could hope for and ties the sound together superbly. I enjoyed the bombastic guitar solos sprinkled throughout, as well as the occasional nod to black metal in the form of a flurry of blast beats here and there. My favourite tracks include the furiously fun “Manic Rapture”, “Midnight Witchery” and “Demonstrike”.
This band works incredibly well together and have created a high quality, cohesive blackened thrash sound. The next generation of thrashing lunatics are in good hands with Sarcator, and let me tell you, these hard and fast chaps are on track for a very fruitful career if they maintain the magic that is presented on this debut. 8.5/10 Proua Metallist.
Official website
8.5/10 To Greatness and Glory!
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.**