#Nattfly Sånger för den kalla modern for #MetalChronicles

3 min read

Band: Nattfly
Title: Sånger för den kalla modern
Label: Independent
Release date:  13 November 2023
Country: Sweden
Format reviewed: High-Quality Digital Recording 

After speaking to the only member of this band and receiving the promo, the “adventure” began…

First of all, read the promotional sheet that accompanied the digital promo, and thank you very much for it, because there were the official translations of the lyrics that are originally sung in Swedish. It helped a lot.

When I read that the only member of this band played the violin, I automatically associated it with it appearing here and there, or even being a constant instrument. However, no other instrument appeared. Where was the guitar? Where was the bass? Hmmm. Is it a faux pas on the promotional sheet?

The time has come to press play and listen to the album that was originally released in November last year and has been reissued once again in digital format by BMMP (Black Metal Musicians Productions). A group of musicians who share music and ideas freely among themselves. Thus promoting each other. A group that has grown and is worth following (Contacts on the end of the review)

Back to the music…
I was honestly not prepared to listen to this album. My brain kept asking “Where’s the guitar and bass?”
That’s all the violin is. Strange? Yes, No doubt. Different? Without a doubt. How does it sound? Well… That part will have to be explained by everyone who listens to this album.

For my part, and despite it sounding strange and different, it sounded really good to me. It’s all there. In other words… The “typical” Black Metal riffs are there, the attitude is there, the fast parts and the slow parts too. The drums are also present and the voice is very good in my opinion.

The average song is between 5, except for one song that is 12 minutes long. The most diverse of all and alternating bars/tempos and also the most melodic of all in my opinion. In this song, a clean sound on the violin is also more present and/or more constant.

In the “World” that is Black Metal, taking risks and/or being different like Nattfly does is very rare and there may even be many people who will say that they don’t sound like “Trve Black Metal” and that it isn’t even Black Metal.

It’s Raw, it’s Grim, it’s cold, it’s influenced by the second wave of Black Metal, it’s icy, it’s Black Metal but simply without guitar or bass. It’s different and it’s good. Doubts? In my opinion, there is none. This album is good and I will listen to it many times because it has quality. A lot.

Do I advise? Of course. Without a doubt.
I will almost certainly use this phrase: “Do you want to listen to a very good Black Metal band, but still strange/different? You won’t regret it. Listen to Nattfly” Without a doubt for me it is… 9/10 by The Key Keeper 666


Black Metal Musicians Productions
Telegram Group

9/10 Epic Storm
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