Verbal Razors – By Thunder and Lightning

3 min read

Band: Verbal Razor
Title: By Thunder and Lightning
Label: Deadlight Entertainment
Release date: 13 March 2020
Country: France
Format review: High-quality Digital Recording

One of the phrases I have heard countless of times is that the best things France has ever contributed to the world are wine, cheese, and Gojira. Now, true or not, France continues to spill metal to the underground scene and it is our responsibility to try and broaden the horizon.

VERBAL RAZOR started out over a decade ago in 2008 when they released their first EP, and have been what appears to be pretty solid in their work since then. Having two full length albums under their belts along with two singles, the third album in line will be released during the Easter holidays. The 13 track album, “By Thunder and Lightning” is scheduled for release on the 13th and will give you something to take up a little over 30 minutes of your day à la Metallica and Anthrax. So that’s two out of the Big 4 of Thrash Metal. But that is a bar set quite high, isn’t it? “By Thunder and Lightning” will be tough to follow.

And I think they may have known that. “We Are Rats” and “Riot” follow in somewhat the same manner and vibe, and the upside of this band is by far the nice compilation of tasty riffs piled on top of each other. But that might also be its downside; with songs that are this short and all in the same vein and feel, it tends to become a bit boring. The energy, however, is present and a good portion of the influence of NWOBHM is being paid tribute to.

“Jump into Dead End”, “Water Drop” and “The House” make it clear that a lot is being made out of the easy riffs and simple structures they present and I think they should get some credit for that. The riffs feel pretty good overall, the songs are diverse enough to remember, heavy and ballsy can be used as a description even. Which is a welcoming change in a way, for all someone might know the first three songs could have been confused with one big song, both by the way they sounded as well as the length of them.

By “Order by Kicks” I felt as if the riffs were getting used up but perhaps it was just I who could not tell much of a difference. By no means is it bad, not at all, it may just be getting a little bit too much of the same thing. “Party Mate” didn’t change my opinion as it rolled straight up as a short in-your-face riff fest. It is to my liking i must admit. Perhaps it’s the party vibe. “Alcohol” is marked as a bonus track and closes my run-through. It’s like the previous ones, however quite frankly a not very much needed addition to this already packed album.

For fans of Metallica’s “Kill ´Em All” and everything by early Anthrax, this might be up your alley, however, keep in mind you will also need to be fond of odd vocals. 6.5/10 Julia Katrin



6.5/10 We May Survive
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