BAZ Friday XLV – Underground Reco For Underground Maniacs

3 min read

Here I’m once more to give you some recos. I hope you enjoy it…

Band: Levendleed
Title: Algehele Malaise
Label: Independent (Digital) / Back From The Grave Tapes (MC)
Release Date: 01 May 2020
Country: Netherlands
Format Reviewed: Digital Promo

I had the pleasure to review the first demo from this Dutch one-man band in February 2019 (here) and comparing the first demo with this release, I can notice that they are a bit different. First, the production of this demo is better and second, they are not inside the Depressive Black Metal but more into (like I said in the past review) Melancholic Black Metal. This demo is better in my opinion, it’s an evolution of the band. In this demo, I notice that there is a bit more experimental/different way of playing Black Metal. The murmuring in song “Niemandsland” and the riffs/atmosphere around it is a big proof of that. You need to check this band, but start in the first demo and then, listen to this one in order to see the evolution.



Band: The Hÿss
Title: Extraterrestrial
Label: Independent
Release Date: 01 May 2020
Country: USA
Format Reviewed: Digital Promo

Even if not into the stoner/fuzz music style sometimes I travel a bit there and try to find some good bands. And… I found this band. Catchy riffs, strong songs, good solos and a good voice too, manage to grab me and really enjoyed listening to this EP. The opening track “Extraterrestrial” is a good opening. But the best songs for me are “Disco Frankenstein” and “Panther Slide”, that in fact are not new songs but rebuilt ones. And much better this time in my opinion (I heard the older versions). I notice also a bit of Southern rock style in some songs, or at least it looks to me. Check them… (The new EP is not available yet for a stream so I decided to put the first EP for stream cause it has the rebuilt songs).


Band: Neraterrae
Title: Scenes From The Sublime
Label: Cyclic Law
Release Date: 20 March 2020
Country: Italy
Format Reviewed: Digital Promo

This is the second time that I’m reviewing NERATERRÆ. The first time was in April 2019 (here) when the band directly sent me the promo, and if that time I was a newbie inside this music style. This time, I got the promo directly from the label and thank you. Now, music… I’m still a newbie in the world of Dark Ambient / Death Industrial / Drone / Ambient but luckily I had the chance to listen to only good bands or projects or just One Man bands. Till now, what I heard I like them all. After reading the promo email from the label, in this album all songs, except one “The Collapse of Matter and Time” had collaborations. I will name a few, (at least the ones I checked and found more about this music style) Alphaxone, Dödsmaskin, Phelios, Xerxes The Dark. If you are into the Dark Ambient / Death Industrial, this album is for you. If you are not, well, try it and give this band a try.



Don’t forget to support the bands and the labels too.

Till next #BAZFriday
The Key Keeper

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.