Drittmaskin – Sosial Prolaps

2 min read

Band: Drittmaskin
Title: Sosial Prolaps
Label: Edged Circle Productions
Release date: 07 February 2020
Country: Norway
Format reviewed: Digital Promo

This week’s pick left me a bit confused. The Norwegian Drittmaskin released their first album “Sosial Prolaps” in 2018; however has now been re-issued by Edged Circle Productions. However, from what I understand a new album is scheduled for later this year. Unfortunately, what I got my hands on was the old album and so I must settle for just that for now.

Now I have to admit, when I started this album my initial feeling was that this group was one of those who got together to make fun of metal, however I was intrigued by the horny guitar sound that filled the soundscape with no ways to ignore. “Kutt i eigedomsskatt” blends in elements of thrash and black metal with punky speed riffs and screaming vocals in a form of a short song  and messages that come through with aggression and no-thrill attitude. The same format and attitude shines through the second track as well, however what stands out in Angst” is the way that the riffs are played. They have a strutty feel to it, with an additional traditional heavy metal sound from time to time. With quite the impressive end scream, Giftlokk” is probably the most musical song on here.

Not only do the vocals shift during Himmelen”, however it seems like pretty much everything shifts. The riffing is quite different from the previous tracks, but the strutty ways return in the following Hold Kjeft nar Du Snakker Til Meg”, and the name of the song is quite amusing. I’ll make sure to shut up when I talk to you. The shrieks of Evig Kamp” are very high, I wondered for a moment if the vocalist threw up a couple of times while recording.

Productions appear to shift during Hjertet Mitt Slar”, this track is more gritty, dirty and aggressive, even more metal. They appear to go all over the place between black, thrash and punk but this one has solos that would make Kerry King proud. The heaviest is saved for last, and Nordfjord 1999″ contains a main riff that made me think of Orion by Metallica. So far my thought is that this band would surely be fun to see live.

Although what is on here may not be exactly my cup of tea, I won’t deny that what is on here works. Judging from this album alone I would surely want to see them on stage and it will be interesting what they will bring forth later this year with their second album. 6.5/10 Julia Katrin



6.5/10 We May Survive
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