Hor – Exitium

Band: Hor
Title: Exitium
Label: Sanit Mils Records / Metal Throne Productions / Immortal Ruins Recordings
Release date: 22 November 2019
Country: Greece
Format reviewed: Digital Promo
Hor is a young band that born back in 2017 in Athens, Greece and I didn’t find too much info about them. The band as two members, Ophion Guitars and Throne Vocals, Bass and “Exitium” is the first album and only release till now and the band plays Black Metal.
I also found that the band is starting to recording the second album and should be out next year, maybe in the first month, according to them. So, you must wait, me too. And why?
Well… Quite simple. If the following album is so good as this one, well worth the wait. So let me start to talk about it in order for you to check this band and buy the music.
This album is divided into just 4 songs with almost 34minutes. And the first song is “Birth Of Tragedy“. It starts with a kind of Dark Ambient intro till it does BUMMMM and the fast Icy Black Metal starts to get out of my speakers. Very good riff. The vocals are very good, a timbre very powerful in my opinion, giving more feeling to the music. Including when is spoken. Very good for a start.
The second song on this album is named “The Misanthrope” and it starts in mid-tempo with a riff that immediately made my head doing headbanging. The cadence of the riff mixed with the drum is very good and well achieved. But these two musicians couldn’t keep playing slowly and on 04:09 the fast Black Metal is back with a killer riff. Very good. And how the music ends with that Icy riff? Amazing.
The third track “Time (A Cold Shadow of Death)” started almost in the same way as the previous song, but is song is much more “stronger” and at the same time with the riffs changing. The riffs here, the drum, the voice, the “battle” drums that appear almost at the end of the song. Very powerful song.
“Exitium (Pt.1 Mourning for Sun, Pt.2 Conquering Chaos)” is the last song of the album and the biggest too. Almost 11 minutes and for me after several times listening to this album, is my favourite. The atmosphere around it, the riffs used, the drum (simple, the majority of the time, but very effective), the way the voice is put in the song, the “battle” drums. All this managed to create a very good and powerful song.
Moving inside the second wave of Black Metal this band knows what to do. Sometimes reminds me of a bit of Sargeist or Satanic Warmaster with the icy riffs and stretching the riffs. It was a very good time to spend listening to this album (many times). But now… As I said, we must wait for the second album. I hope I can review it. 8.5/10 The Key Keeper
Label (LP)
Sanit Mils Records
Label (CD)
Metal Throne Productions
Label (MC)
Immortal Ruins Recordings
8.5/10 To Greatness and Glory!
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