Numero 5!
It’s that Friday feeling again! The Riffs must flow and boy, do they flow today with these four albums we bring you!!
Not much time to waste on words, let’s dive into this one now! go!!!
Band: Goatess
Title: Blood and Wine
Label: Svart Records
Release: September 27th
Country: Sweden
Format reviewed: Digital Promo
Sweden again. I mean, I must visit or move there already. The land of the riffs no doubt. Three years have passed since the very good Purgatory Under New Management was released. So what’s new on the Goatess world? Well, the vocals are under new management and that is a change that strikes you first. Music-wise it follows where it left us in the last record. Very good doomy stoner riffing that will appeal to any fan of the genre. Any doom fan that needs to overdose on heavy riffs should check these guys cause they move on the heaviest of the old school spectrum. So, open that wine and drink the blood of the old gods! This will be on my phone playing daily for sure.
Band: Mars Red Sky
Title: The Task Eternal
Label: Listenable Records
Release: September 27th (EU) October 11th (US)
Country: France
Format reviewed: Digital Promo
France again. I mean… nope, France? What? Anyway, I did play some Mars Red Sky before but never heard them with intent as with this soon to be released album. What is this thing? Laidback and somewhat detached vocals that work so well with the overall atmosphere of MRS music was a pleasant surprise for me. I’m enjoying this one much more than I thought I would. Trippy stuff no doubt that invites you to lay back and concentrate on this sonic journey. This ain’t “heavy” per se, but the heaviness is there nonetheless in the intense riffs and pounding rhythm section, all veiled in a psychedelic shroud. This band must give a hell of a live show.
Band: Planet of Zeus
Title: Faith In Physics
Label: Heavy Psych Sounds Records
Release: September 27th
Country: Greece
Format reviewed: Digital Promo
Just a coincidence, but I tend to use“Zeus almighty” or “By Zeus”, whenever you must call upon the gods. I like the Greek mighty bolt thrower god over the Christian one. Have you read Greek mythology? It’s amazing! So a band from Greece that´s called Planet of Zeus will automatically get my attention. I knew them already but as with Mars Red Sky it’s not a band I got in constant rotation. Anyway, POZ delivers an almighty sound with their electrified riffs. This isn’t stoner in the 70’s recipe, my bread and butter as you know. This is modern heavy rock that won’t alienate metal fans, and for sure will appeal to fans of bands of the sort of Clutch, All of Them Witches. Let these greeks show you the physics of sound!
Band: Soul of Anubis
Title: The Last Journey
Label: Seeing Red Records
Release: September 7th
Country: Portugal
Format reviewed: Digital Promo
Have you ever got into a fight where the other guy just obliterates you? Me neither, thanks Zeus! Did you ever wonder what would happen to you if a 400-pound angry Gorilla comes at you at full speed? Wonder no more, just press play to this animal of an album by the Portuguese band! this is aggression and sonic assault that does not stop or wonder if you need to rest. This screams in your face and makes no excuses. Perfectly executed this will get the attention of anyone seeking energy and cathartic sounds. Do you get what it takes? Do you??? Come on!!!
Till next time.
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre