Cult of Sorrow – Invocation of The Lucifer

4 min read

Band: Cult of Sorrow
Album: Invocation of The Lucifer
Country: USA
Release Date: 20 September 2019
Label: Black Doomba Records
Format: Digital promo

Friday!! That means that this must be our “número 5” of The Riffs Must Flow, the BAZ section where we bow to the riff and pray to Saint Anthony for his guidance (May the riff be with him).

So, Cult of Sorrow…  Twitter account (follow them!)

Super quick and small bio: US band formed in 2013 and this is going to be their second full length. I´m good at it, ain’t I? 😊
What can I say, I´m having a blast. Been playing this album for the last two weeks from start to finish and then back at it again.
Let´s warm-up! Quick Q&A:

• What can you expect from Cult of Sorrow new music?
I’m telling you about it a few lines below, stay with me.
• Is it worth the bucks for a physical copy?
Yes. You should buy it, I command you! The splattered vinyl looks amazing, plus that artwork, c´mon!
• Are there any hidden satanic messages?
Is this even possible with a digital download? Let me get the vinyl and I’ll let you know.
• Is Doom the best genre in metal?
Glad you asked; aaaaaf course!!

Ok now, to the music.

Wait! I forgot to mention that the album title, artwork, and lyrics are all about the return to the old gods, the freedom and power of nature and satanic rituals as opposed to dogma from the new gods. Let´s dance naked in the woods with the goat! If u dare!

Now, By pressing play you are transported right into a Satanic or pagan ritual: “I renounce my Christian faith…” And by the time you surrender your soul to Satan or some Nature Goddess, Cult of Sorrow attacks with Come Infernal, a thundering riffing that´s much in the vein of Sabbath´s Turn Up the Night. Fast-paced doom riffing that is a statement of purpose. These guys don’t play around. This is doom, and doom you will get. As said, even though the riff attack is similar to Turn Up the Night, vocals are more into 70´s Sabbath though not that high pitched. So we are getting a blend of ’80’s and 70´s metal in the song. And this is going to be the norm for the rest of the album. The rest of the album is not that fast-paced though, most of the songs here are mid-tempo riffs and the vocals melodies run above the riffs as is pretty common with the genre. Speaking of vocals, I find them very cool, I dig the tone. Standing in a comfortable mid-range but delivered with passion.

Cult of Sorrow drinks from the 70´s fountain but also mix it with some 80´s stylish riffing. Sabbath of course, I keep getting a lovely mix of 70´s and 80´s Sabbath that is the shit, I mean it!. Also some Maiden and Candlemass vibes.

Both guitars riff away creating a heavy and dense mattress where you can rest your Doomed soul. Guitar solos were a highlight for me, loved how their razor-sharp tone can cut through the dense wall of riffs and give the songs a much needed and fresh color to the band´s sound. Again, I’m reminded of Iommi and his guitar tone in 1983 Born Again, cut´s you in half. Well done boys!!

Love the production here, this is a very good sounding album, with every element having its place. The bass could be more present in the mix, but this is just me (I ain´t no producer, so…). Drummer swings away in lovingly form, this is old school playing and I love it.

Another standout song for me is Witches Dance, another somewhat fast-paced song with a crushing riff that will get your headbanging reflexes going. Same could be said for their single “Burn”. Bandcamp 

And their last song The Mirror is for me an absolute fire. Here the bass shines and sets the pace for the band to follow. A mid-tempo dark riff that breaks into a Maidenesque progression to then mutate into 70´s proto-metal section, and quickly comes back to the main riff. I can’t get enough of this song. That progressive section slays! A lamentation that closes the album in a very high note.

Don´t let this one go unheard. It´s a very good album and I will be playing this a lot! 7.5/10 Perrö



7.5/10 Victory is Possible!
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