The Riffs Must Flow – IV

Número 4 has arrived! Best day of the week of course! TIIF!! Thank Iommi Is Friday! You lucky reader can have your dose of riffage checking the four albums that are featured here.
Band: Wizard Rifle
Title: Wizard Rifle
Label: Svart Records
Release date: 30 August 2019
Country: USA
Format reviewed: Digital Promo
Is there a band with no self-titled albums? Of course, but WIZARD RIFLE decided to have their very own S/T on their third release, and who am I to judge them? Nobody of course. So…
What do WIZARD RIFLE sound? They put an on your face barrage of sound. And they don’t ask permission. Thick riffs and energetic pounding over screaming voices. Some heavy down-tuned stuff here man. Either way, there is no space for nothing but their sonic assault in the production of this album. Sound is everywhere yes, but it’s not overblown. And boy can they jam. This is an album that’s 44 minutes in just 5 songs.
Beware!! There is Fuzz.
Ps. Did I mentioned that Wizard Rifle is just two guys? Drums and guitar sharing vocals. Impressive.
Band: Cazador
Title: Failure to Thrive
Label: Independent
Release date: 12 July 2019
Country: USA
Format reviewed: Digital Promo
I love the band name. CAZADOR (Hunter) has so much into it. It may seem a minor detail for some. But band names are the first presentation card a band has and this is a good one. Another presentation card is the Artwork, and in this case, I’m not impressed. Yes, the spirit of the music might be there, but the execution art-wise is not on par. Just my take, so don’t panic.
As for the music, this is what you’d expect to form a band with such a cool name, it hunts you down and will not give you an inch for you to getaway. A relentless pursuit of mean dirty riffing when they step up the pace. Although there is a lot of contemplation moments in the songs and in between Songs. Like a good hunter, it only runs at you when the time is right. There are 8 tracks where 3 are like introspective instrumental moments. These moments help you catch your breath before the Hunter is at it again. The delivery is violent in those moments, they scream at you, or better said, they scream at this alienating society and state of the world. That’s what I get from this. Sludge Fans, hunt it down!
Band: The Electric Mud
Title: Burn The Ships
Label: Independent
Release date: 23 August 2019
Country: USA
Format reviewed: Digital Promo
Pressed play and it reminded me of Gov’t Mule. You got the whiskey and tobacco drenched vocals, the blues and the southern flavor in their sound. But THE ELECTRIC MUD take is leaning more into heaviness. Listen to Reptile, for example, a fast-paced attack that is my fave from this album. Tasty guitar riffs and licks tight rhythm section. Production wise there is a live feel to the sound as its best for this kind of music. In all, a very good listen for any fans of bluesy heavy music. You can’t go wrong with THE ELECTRIC MUD.
So listen and judge for yourself.
Band: Children of The Sun
Title: Flowers
Label: The Sign Records
Release date: 26 July 2019
Country: Sweden
Format reviewed: Digital Promo
Well, there is no surprise here for what this band plays right? I mean, flowers, children, sun… look at the artwork. Yeah, you got it. This is a light in the dark. You might ask why is this stuff featured in Blessed Altar Zine? Because we want it. (Ain’t that metal as metal comes?) Because it’s great music and also, on a personal level, I grew up on this music. Grew up on the Woodstock vinyl and the likes of every folk & rock musician of the late 60’s. So this is a journey to my childhood and my music upbringing. You may want to skip this one if you are just into music for the dark and furious, and I’ll understand. For the others that enjoy some bees, flowers, and melodies don’t let this one pass. Be children of the sun and embrace a journey where peace and love are just around the corner. These Swedish bands are masters of their craft. Take your shoes off, and lay on the grass with sunshine on your face. ✌️
Till next time.
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre