The Projectionist Exclusive Stream

3 min read

The Projectionist… I’m following this band since 2017 after I heard the “Frostbitten Northern Void” split and I can say that was not, love at first sight. But after listening to a few, just not to say many times I really started to love it. Because of that I also put the album “Visits from the Nighthag Part 1” on my TOP 20 2018. And… Because of all that I started to check the other bands from Lörd Matzigkeitus, the person who started The Projectionist as his solo project. So for me doing this #ExclusiveStream it is a bloody honour.

“So, Tell me Sir” is Act 7 in the Visits from the Night black Metal opera. At this point, we join George laying in his hospital bed having just suffered a tragic surgery to remove both his legs. The NightHag had caused such depth of sleep paralysis that they would never work again.

George yearns to get back to the theatre as Dr. Bendix (played by Caesar Tiberius of Dead Jesus/Ides of Winter lore) demands to know what terror put his patient in such a state…..

This track opens VFTNH Part 2, and the album builds in intensity and ferocity from here. However, I chose as a premiere this track for its grand theatricality and haunt. It crawls through your veins as worms in the dirt.


The song “So, Tell me Sir”. How can I describe it? Not easy to be honest because I understand the music and the quality of the band, but I can’t describe it correctly because I didn’t catch everything that LM sings and I never read the lyrics in order to help me (much more) to understand correctly the history that LM started. So…

This single “So, Tell me Sir” it’s the continuation from the previous work and the beginning for the VFTNH Part 2. How does it sound? Well to me sounds amazing. But to understand it, you need to listen to the previous release. Yes, It doesn’t make any sense or logic, if you start with this album “Visits from the Nighthag Part 2” since the story already began in 2018. But if you do that way, will be the same as you start reading Volume 2 from a book Trilogy story.

This first single from the album “Visits from the Nighthag Part 2” as I said is amazing and can tell you how the story flows. How do I know or how do I think it is? Let me start with the changes of tempo, “drama”, atmosphere, ambient, the “weight” that the song transmits to myself. The way that the voice appears, sometimes melodic, sometimes “harsh”, sometimes just as a taleteller that need to give significance or pomposity in order for the listener understand and feel the story. Yes… For me, it is that. The Projectionist is the story (in the good sense), and all the songs/albums from them are “parts”, “episodes” or “acts” from the amazing story. And LM… Well, he is the taleteller. And this song, as the first single from the future album, is the perfect/amazing way of showing that. 

I could tell you more things about this song and the connection with the other songs from this album (I already heard it, plenty of times) but I will only say one thing, It’s amazing and very well done.

Purchase link:
Social media: The Projectionist


The Key Keeper

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