Looking for music…

2 min read

I have days that I do not know what I really want to listen to. In those days I just pick randomly a tape, a Cd or a Vinyl or I start to “surf” in the net, to be more exactly on Bandcamp. Two or three tags on the “search” and let us find out good music and sometimes I also “find” things that are on my “I want to listen to this” (quite big to be honest)  So I decided to do this article. It’s a kind of #UndergroundReco and a playlist at the same time. Enjoy it…


Band: Como O Breu
Title: Utopia
Style: Black Metal
Country: Portugal



Band: Akasha
Title: ACanticles Of The Sepulchral Deity
Style: Black Metal
Country: USA



Band: Véhémence
Title: Par le Sang Versé
Style: Medieval Black Metal
Country: France


Band: WOE
Title: Violent Dread
Style: Black Metal
Country: USA


Band: Acathexis
Title: A Violent Dread
Style: Black Metal
Country: International


Band: Oozing Wound
Title: High Anxiety
Style: Thrash Metal
Country: USA


Band: Oponente
Title: Irreversible
Style: Thrash Metal
Country: Chile


Band: Malignant Altar
Title: Retribution of Jealous Gods
Style: Death Metal
Country: USA


Band: Gomorrah
Title: Gomorrah
Style: Technical Death Metal
Country: USA


Band: Convulsing
Title: Grievous
Style: Extreme Metal
Country: Australia


Band: The Black Moriah
Title: Road Agents of the Blast Furnace
Style: Black Thrash Metal
Country: USA


Band: Cruel Bomb
Title: Manhattan Mischief
Style: Crossover
Country: USA


Band: Völtage
Title: Völtage Demo 2019
Style: Heavy Metal
Country: USA


Band: Traveler
Title: Traveler
Style: Heavy Metal
Country: Canada


Band: BAT
Title: Traveler
Style: Heavy/Speed Metal
Country: USA


Band: The Howling Void
Title: Bleak and Everlasting
Style: Funeral Doom
Country: Italy


Band: Prostitute Disfigurement
Title: Prostitute Disfigurement
Style: Brutal Death Metal
Country: Netherlands


Band: Guild Of Lore
Title: Leaving Winterstead
Style: Ambient / Dungeon synth
Country: USA


Till one next… 
The Key Keeper


**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.**