Spaceslug – Eye The Tide

3 min read

Band: Spaceslug
Title: Eye The Tide
Label: Oak Island Records
Release Date: 20 July 2018
Country: Poland
Format reviewed: Digital Stream

Imagine that you just need a music to soar upon. To make you forget for a while about the world, to make you leave your body and to make the traveling possible. With heavy riffs and gloomy melodies in between. A mid- to slow tempo and vocals howling through the haze. A music to have very very abstract and profound meaning for each and every listener. Well, actually for those of the listeners who appreciate great music and dare to explore.

You’ve got it – the new Spaceslug album is just the perfect travel agent! 54 minutes of exquisite Kozmic Doom metal.  Heading from Wrocłav, Poland, Spaceslug are founded in 2015 and with their brand new album “Eye The Tide” now, they have three full-lengths released, with enough haze, gloom and massive riffing. The debut “Lemanis” was out in 2016 and in 2017 – “Time Travel Dilemma” saw the world. The EP “Mountains and Reminiscence” has been also released in 2017.

The six songs in the “Eye The Tide” are long enough, but not enough to feed the hunger to play them again. Hunger, which only The Music can leave. It is a massive, huge tide which takes over, to be honest. A lot is happening here!

The 8-minutes opener “Obsolite” just puts you in the time capsule to discover the slow clouds of purple grief and melancholy. Strained vocals and lead parts, which amazingly are drawing stranded landscapes. A mind in confusion; a heart starting to beat faster. “Spaced by One” is more into 70’s psychedelia groove, heavy as FK, with Alice in Chains’ Staley-Cantrell hypnotic chanting type of vocals. And that stranded landscapes…In “Eternal Monuments” you should imagine huge mountain at night (like actually the whole music of the band is), with snowy peaks rising above, stars in the sky. Standing in time. On another planet. With vocals calling at the wind and at the eternity! “Words Like Stones” have much from the gothic death doom soul as well as blasting beat and screaming in psychedelic vocals. “Vialys Part I” – oh it is so Alice in Chains meeting the cosmos infinity. “Vialys Part II” is dark and trippy, continuing the line from the first part leading to a psychedelic crescendo, piling pressure. The album ends with the beautiful “I, the Tide” – imagine that you stand in front of a huge screen showing a picture after a picture from paradise places, and then you drown into dark cosmic void led by the heaviness of the music.

In comparison with many doom/stoner bands, Spaceslug has a lot of soul and melancholy in their music. Yes, the Sabbathic riffs, the hammering bass, and drums are a mandatory part of their tracks, but there is much more to be discovered, a lot to be felt (Anathema, Bossk, Alice in Chains, Riverside, Dopelord…). It’s all about imagination and how abstract your mind is or can be. The melodies, the hidden sorrow, the sweet pain and pressure which all make the butterflies in your stomach move so impatiently.  This is why “Eye the Tide” is so gorgeous. 9/10 Count Vlad



9/10 Epic Storm
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