Sepulchral Whore “Everlasting Morbid Delights”

Band: Sepulchral Whore
Title: Everlasting Morbid Delights
Label: Metal Ways Records
Release Date: 15 May 2017
Country: Brazil
Brazil has always been very generous when it comes to solid metal acts, especially in the heavier spectrum of the genre. This is even more valid when the reality is brutal, life is hard and vicious and people need to suffer for their sins. The sunny days are all over and now comes the misanthropic Everlasting Morbid Delights by Sepulchral Whore.
The trio originates from Recife, Brazil and has been around since 2015. Very much influenced by the 90s death metal, the band offers punching morbid old school death metal with some thrashier parts, with excellent changes in tempo, heavy riffs and slower melodic parts, as well as the heavy echoing vocals spitting hate and vomiting on the sacrileges in life. Everlasting Morbid Delights is a solid EP consisting of 7 dark whispers (9 in the limited version; the additional two are recorded live during band’s rehearsal), with total running time of 28 min for the short version of the album.
Originally the band released independently this EP in May 2017, but it keeps on beeing released through various labels, even now in 2018. The mandatory Intro is there. With Malicious Conflagration the band leads its unholy army into the battle to destroy Good. The song is very vibrant, intensive and with a catchy melody at the same time. The title track Everlasting Morbid Delights offers fantastic riff in the best traditions of Swedish death metal and on top so heavy, so torturous slower parts, that the burden of the all the sins of the mankind and the pain of the false existence could be felt easily. In Slumber They Succumb has deep and hard first half which explodes into mid-fast second part with blast beats. Horrifying Weak is thrashier, with generally simpler and melodic riff, with a classic Scandinavian death metal melody in the end. Naturally it is shorter compared to the rest of the tracks. Of course the mandatory instrumental is here too – the atmospheric acoustic Rotten Wings of Creation, bringing stink from the nearby mass grave. Necromancer’s Rites is the crushing end of the album, praising the God of fatality and decay where “Domains are shrouded by storms/bloodbath along the surface/taken from the boundaries of hate/ the worthless logic of tragedies.” Everlasting Morbid Delights is a fantastic album, which will become a favourite to all the followers of death and thrash metal. The Brazilians show that they have been excellent students at the Death Metal University, but also they are bringing their own fresh morbid vibes to keep the darkest flame alive. 9.5/10 Count Vlad