The Slave Eyes “Unto Hades”

2 min read

Band: The Slave Eye
Title: Unto Hades
Label: Self Released
September 22nd, 2017
Country: U.S.A. / Finland

Here is a very good surprise … The Slave Eye, is a band that originally is American, but is composed 50/50, USA / Finland. The good things on the internet … And yes, good that the internet has these good things. The union began in 2015 with only 2 members and in 2016 two more members enter. It’s very good. They managed to create an EP (I’ve seen albums with less time) of very good hearing. What is mostly heard over 6 songs is about 30m. It is a Black Metal very well achieved and from time to time influences of Thrash, but few. The production of this EP is very well done. So if you’re a listener of only raw Black Metal, this EP is not for you, but you’re losing, I’ll let you know right away. The sound of the guitar is very good and with good riffs and also melody. The drums is well balanced with the rest of the instruments and with interesting details, nothing great, but very good. The bass is present, sometimes rhythmic, sometimes more “flowing”, but “fills” the music and makes it not so simple and “empty”. The voice, I liked the voice. I liked the timbre of the singer. All very well mixed and well produced. Congratulations. Of these 6 songs that compose this EP I can not advise only one song for first and only hearing although I think that “Of Dark Heart and Mind” is an excellent music. All the songs are a good sample of what this band does, a good Black Metal. It has aggression, has melody, has paced moments, has the mix of both. Seriously, very good. I will be attentive to this band to know when they release an album and that they get, or better that they have at least a quality equal to this EP. However and now it will be an aside, but not so much, ehehehehe. The Black Metal played on this EP reminded me of a lot of good stuff I heard many years ago. This EP made me remember Satyricon in the wonderful years. To finish, this EP well that could be the new album of Satyricon, because this EP is very good. I loved it. 8.5 / 10 The Key Keeper
