Band: Aoratos Title: Gods Without Name Label: Debemur Morti Productions Release Date: March 22nd, 2019 Country: The United States Format...
This week, I made a trip that... How can I say? Hmmm... A trip that is different from what I...
And here we are again. Another #BlackFriday. I listen to many good releases this week, but I decided to choose...
Band: Triumvir Foul Title: Urine of Abomination Label: Vrasubatlat (MC) / Invictus Productions (CD, LP-Europe) / 20 Buck Spin (CD,...
There are tunes which make you dive into them and loose yourself into them. Delusional, blurry, vague, like blink of...
Band: Ringarë Title: Under Pale Moon Label: Iron Bonehead Productions Release Date: 08 March 2019 Country: United States Format reviewed:...
Band: Noctambulist Title: Atmospheres of Desolation Label: Blood Harvest Records Release Date: 21 January 2019 Country: United States Format reviewed:...
Band: Ectovoid Title: Inner Death Label: Blood Harvest Records Release date: 18 January 2019 Country: USA Format reviewed: Digital Promo...
So, I’m scouring the month of January Doom Metal charts and I come across a new band ‘Mount Saturn’ from...
Band: Mount Saturn Title: Kiss The Ring Label: Independent Release Date: 04 January 2019 Country: USA Format reviewed: Digital Bought...