Guignol Noir's "Mantric Malediction" is set to be released by Repose Records on 06 November 2020. "Mantric Malediction" is an...
Band: Bölzer Title: Lese Majesty Label: Lightning & Sons Release date: 29 November 2019 Country: Switzerland Format reviewed: High-quality Digital...
Edition XXXII... What I have here for you? Hmmm... A few more recos. EhEh Enjoy your Friday... Band: Profetus Title:...
Hello there, This time I decided to do something different. I went to some channels (Black Metal) that I follow...
Band: Matterhorn Title: Crass Cleansing Country: Switzerland Label: Iron Bonehead Productions Release date: 25 June 18 Format reviewed: Digital Mp3...
Band: Stortregn Title: Emptiness Fills the Voids Label: Non Serviam Records Release Date: May 25th, 2018 Country: Switzerland Format reviewed:...